Touré Roberts - The Consciousness of Covenant

Touré Roberts

Message : The Consciousness of Covenant Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church Genesis chapter 15. We’ll look at the first 11 verses and then we’re going to skip over to verses 17 through 21. This is a scene from the life of Abraham, and I’ll...

Touré Roberts - Consistency

Touré Roberts

Message: Consistency Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church Today, I want to begin a conversation about consistency and the theme of consistency. The more I study and delve into this truth—this idea, this thought—the more overwhelmingly...

Kenneth Copeland - How To Be Consistent In Prayer

Kenneth Copeland

In consistency lies the power! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he teaches you how to be consistent in prayer. Learn that when you refuse to quit, you will develop a determined spirit like Daniel!...

Craig Groeschel - The Power of Consistency

Craig Groeschel

If you have a lot of good intentions but struggle to follow through, you won't want to miss this message. We're learning the quality that can help us achieve every goal God puts on our hearts....

David Jeremiah - Stay Consistent In Your Walk

David Jeremiah

Some people strive for perfection in their spiritual life. When they realize it’s not possible, they become discouraged. God isn’t looking for perfection from His children, but consistency and faithfulness. Living a consistent walk leads to...