Bill Johnson - Knowing God Through Encounter

Bill Johnson

Every miracle you see is an invitation to an ongoing encounter. Jesus never scolded anyone who came to Him for a miracle. Valuing the testimony of what God has done reveals His nature and His heart to do it again, and leads us deeper into knowing...

Sid Roth - A Shocking God Encounter With a FALCON

Sid Roth

My guest had never moved in the realm of seeing into the invisible world, but when he received a shocking visitation, the invisible realm became visible instantly. Now he can impart this gift to others. Brian Guerin was not expecting to encounter...

Sid Roth - A Hindu Man's Shocking Encounter IN HEAVEN

Sid Roth

We're told there are three messianic miracles: one, someone born blind that can see, two, someone deaf that can hear, three, someone's dead that is risen from the dead. My guest has seen and prayed for multiple times a number of these what...

Sid Roth - Former Pimp's Amazing Encounter with Jesus

Sid Roth

Isaiah Reed was known as "the most vicious pimp in Hawaii" until he encountered Jesus......

Jonathan Bernis - Divine Encounter with The Holy Spirit

Jonathan Bernis

Popular International Evangelist Guillermo Maldonado discusses the importance of Israel with host Jonathan Bernis and gives tips on how you can encounter the Holy Spirit every day....

Jonathan Bernis - An Encounter with Jesus - Part 2

Jonathan Bernis

Jonathan welcomes back Pastor Stovall Weems & worship leader Paul Wilbur to continue their testimony of an encounter with Yeshua (Jesus) that supernaturally transformed Pastor Stovall. Hear the remarkable story of how the reverence of the Old...

Jonathan Bernis - An Encounter with Jesus - Part 1

Jonathan Bernis

Are “signs and wonders” still for today? Pastor Stovall Weems & Paul Wilbur join Rabbi Jonathan Bernis to discuss a remarkable encounter with Yeshua affirming that we can see signs and wonders in our day. Discover what miraculously unfolded as...

TD Jakes - What Does it Feel Like to Have a Visit From God?

TD Jakes

Bishop TD Jakes teach about "What Does it Feel Like to Have a Visit From God?" Excerpt from Wait On It, based on Acts 1:1-8 (KJV)...

Benny Hinn - Encounter With God Your Turnaround Miracle

Benny Hinn

“At the end of this year you're on the edge of the greatest moment you've ever lived in your life,” Dr. Coy Barker proclaims on this program. “I feel such an anointing that there will be supernatural manifestations as God speaks to your...

Benny Hinn - An Encounter with God for Your Turnaround Miracle

Benny Hinn

“You’re on the edge of the greatest moment you’ve ever lived in your life,” Dr. Coy Barker proclaims on this program. “I feel such an anointing that there will be supernatural manifestations as God speaks to your heart through Pastor Benny and me...

Sid Roth - High Priest of Satan Encounters Jesus

Sid Roth

Michael Champagne was a satanic high priest. He thought he found real power... then he had a real encounter with Jesus! Watch to find out what happened on It's Supernatural!...

Sid Roth - Jesus Walked Up to Me. What He Did Next Will Leave You in Tears

Sid Roth

Kim Meeder discovered our God cannot be captured or contained. He’s unstoppable! But Kim says when you search Him out, your wild, miraculous God will be found! Kim Meeder says God is unstoppable, unfathomable and untamable. He is wild. God is not...