Touré Roberts - Your Faith is Your Currency

Touré Roberts

Message : Your Faith is Your Currency Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church Faith is a currency; it is your means of exchange with God. When you sing, you’re saying, «God, give me something; I have some faith.» God is saying, «If you show me...

Touré Roberts - The Power of Belief

Touré Roberts

Message : The Power of Belief Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church Today, I want to talk about the power of belief. I know it sounds simple, but it’s much deeper than that. To believe is powerful, truly powerful. I want to read two passages...

Touré Roberts - The Faith Zone

Touré Roberts

Message : The Faith Zone Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church …and I want to share with you a recent lesson. One of the things about lessons and destiny is you never stop getting them; you never stop experiencing them. It’s amazing! So let me...

Joel Osteen - Seeing From a Distance

Joel Osteen

From the tiniest seed to the greatest galaxy, God spoke it all into being. He created us in love, and no matter what chaos may ensue, He remains in control....

Joel Osteen - The Battle Cry of Faith

Joel Osteen

This is not the time to give up. This is the time to stir up your faith....

David Jeremiah - Keep the Faith (Interview)

David Jeremiah

We don't get to choose the things that happen to us, we do get to choose how we respond to the things that happened to us, and that's a lesson that gets seared into your soul when you go through something like this. When life isn't so...

Charles Stanley - Why We Believe

Charles Stanley

Have you ever wondered why such great emphasis is placed on the cross? Based on Galatians 6:14, this message explores why the cross is the heart of what Christians believe, the different roles the cross plays in people's lives, and how the...

Charles Stanley - Conquering Faith

Charles Stanley

Based on 1 Samuel 17 and events in the life of David, this message examines how conquering faith does the following: recalls past victories; re-examines and re-affirms our motivations; rejects the discouraging words of others; recognizes the true...

Creflo Dollar - Faith in the Middle of the Attack

Creflo Dollar

We have this attitude of, "Well, thank God for his grace. So I'm just not gonna do nothing". And that's not what it means. It means you're standing in the victory of what Jesus has obtained. And while you're standing,...

Kenneth Copeland - The Hall of Fame of Faith

Kenneth Copeland

Have faith in God! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland discusses the hall of fame of faith. Begin living a life of obedience as you learn to trust in The LORD just as Noah, Abraham and Sarah did!...

Kenneth Copeland - Speak The WORD and Put Faith Into Motion

Kenneth Copeland

Say it and believe it! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland helps you speak The WORD and put faith into motion. Learn how saying and believing go hand in hand and determine to let your words agree with God’s WORD!...

Kenneth Copeland - Mountain-Moving Faith Is Fueled by Love

Kenneth Copeland

"Mountain-Moving Faith Is Fueled by Love" Have faith in the Love! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth and Gloria Copeland teach how mountain-moving faith is fueled by love. Be inspired by the miraculous healing power that comes as...