Touré Roberts - A Faithful Friend

Touré Roberts

Message: A Faithful Friend Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church Proverbs chapter 27, verse 6—I love it! Oh, I love this verse. Such a profound verse! It says, «Faithful are the wounds of a friend.» Mm-hmm, they’re going to put it up there....

Rick Warren - Where Have All the Faithful People Gone?

Rick Warren

This message is Part 2 of “Being Faithful In A Faithless World” in the series The Invisible War. In this message we will find that faith is much more than believing in the correct doctrine - we must be faithful and set apart. Pastor Rick examines...

Rick Warren - Being Faithful in a Faithless World

Rick Warren

This message is Part 1 of “Being Faithful In A Faithless World” in the series The Invisible War. In this message we will find that faith is much more than believing in the correct doctrine - we must be faithful and set apart. Pastor Rick examines...

Steven Furtick - Rescue Your Testimony

Steven Furtick

Pastor Steven Furtick helps us deal with disappointment and revive our hope in “Rescue Your Testimony.” You'll be encouraged to tell your story through the lens of God's faithfulness....

Andy Stanley - The Ultimate Expression of Faithfulness

Andy Stanley

In Part 6 of What Our World Needs Now, The Ultimate Expression of Faithfulness, Andy Stanley discusses why it's tough to be a faithful follower of Jesus under normal circumstances, and nearly impossible when someone around you has given you a...

David Jeremiah - God Has Not Forsaken You!

David Jeremiah

He's been faithful to us even in times when we forgot who he was, and we weren't faithful to him. He's been faithful to us when we didn't go to church and when we didn't name the name of the Lord, but because we are his...

Jack Hibbs - God Is Forever Faithful

Jack Hibbs

In a world where there are no guarantees we will see tomorrow’s sunrise, what is our hope? In today’s episode, Pastor Jack reminds us that the hope God gives is an anchor for the soul, because God is faithful....

Jerry Savelle - The Faithful Shall Flourish - Part 3

Jerry Savelle

The Lord shared with Jerry that in 2017 “The Faithful shall flourish and it shall be like the days of Heaven on earth.”...

Jerry Savelle - The Faithful Shall Flourish - Part 2

Jerry Savelle

Proverbs 4:22 says God’s word is “life for those who find them, and health to all their flesh”. No matter what you are dealing with God’s word is more powerful!...

Jerry Savelle - The Faithful Shall Flourish - Part 1

Jerry Savelle

Are you battling issues with your health, finances or relationships? In this series Jerry Savelle shares his powerful testimony of God’s healing power in his body....

Steven Furtick - Faithful With A Few

Steven Furtick

It’s what you do with the few. In “Faithful With A Few,” we’re reminded that our praise paves the way for God’s provision....

Craig Groeschel - Faithful in Service

Craig Groeschel

Do you want to serve others, but don’t know where to start? In Week 2 of Selfless, Pastor Craig Groeschel gives us simple ways to serve others without overthinking....