In " Shame, Guilt, and Freedom. Becoming A Friend Of God", Pastor Tim Dilena preaches about how Jesus gave Peter another chance after Peter's denial of Him....
Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we as sinners can experience salvation and have eternal life. But God will not force it on us. He gives us the freedom to choose between obedience and rebellion. Pastor Jack talks about what it means to be...
We often associate "freedom" with America, but so many of today's Americans are chained by fear, addiction, anxiety, depression, busyness, and distraction. The true freedom that Jesus Christ offers can break those chains!...
Are you living the life of blessing, freedom, and joy that comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ? There is no other name by which we can be saved and experience true freedom from sin and death. Find out more when you watch Real Life TV today!...
Each of us has been sold into sin. We are slaves to the sinful nature that causes us to make destructive and rebellious choices. But God has made a way to break the chains that hold us in captivity. Learn to live a life of freedom as Pastor Jack...
What have you worried about today? Chances are, the list is pretty long. Jesus promises that we don’t have to worry, but how is that possible? Understanding His promise can transform the way you approach concerns and give you relief....
If you struggle with a porn addiction, you know how much of a toll it can take on your life. This message will equip you with valuable knowledge to overcome that addiction and has the power to change your life or the life of someone you love....
Do you ever wonder why you make certain choices? Maybe you wanted to make a change in your life but just couldn’t stick to it. In this message, we’re getting to the bottom of why we do the things we do and learning how to overcome negative thoughts....
God’s grace is sufficient for you! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he helps you gain freedom from anxiety and pressure. Break the stronghold of worry on your mind, and recognize that God’s grace is fully capable of providing...