Kenneth Copeland - God's Word is Your Medicine

Kenneth Copeland

Your prescription is ready! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he explains how God’s Word is your medicine, bringing life to you. Start taking your daily dose and watch His Words become health to your entire body!...

Kenneth Copeland - Make God's WORD Final Authority for Your Healing

Kenneth Copeland

You are healed and made whole! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland encourages you to make God’s WORD final authority for your healing. Develop a faith that boils over as you recognize the freedom you have in Christ Jesus!...

Kenneth Copeland - Attending To God's WORD Leads to Abundance

Kenneth Copeland

Are you willing and obedient? Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland speaks of how attending to God’s WORD leads to abundance. Find out how your obedience will not only bring you physical prosperity, but financial prosperity as well!...

Kenneth Copeland - Attend to God's Word

Kenneth Copeland

Attend, listen, obey and receive! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he helps you attend to God’s WORD. Begin living a life full of THE BLESSING as you learn to give The WORD first place over everything in your life!...

Kenneth Copeland - Angels Carry Out God's WORD for Health and Prosperity

Kenneth Copeland

You’ve been assigned angels! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he discusses how angels carry out God’s WORD for your health and prosperity. Discover how to call on the power and authority of your angels, and send them forth to...

#688 - Joseph Prince - The Powerful Benefits of God's Word - Part 4

Joseph Prince

God loves it when you see him as the one who is inexhaustibly full, all right? You come and you draw from him, and the more you draw, he doesn't get any less, all right? He gets even more full. The woman at the well took from Jesus. I mean, he...

#688 - Joseph Prince - The Powerful Benefits of God's Word - Part 3

Joseph Prince

So, the more you find the richness of God's Word... because the Bible says, "God brings you to a land flowing with milk and honey". And here the Bible says, "As a newborn babe, desire the sincere milk of the Word"....

#688 - Joseph Prince - The Powerful Benefits of God's Word - Part 2

Joseph Prince

I know times when I'm not feeling well and all that, and I'll just read, and read. I like to read the gospels when I'm not feeling well. Just read the miracles of Jesus. Just by reading sometimes, I didn't even find time to pray,...

#688 - Joseph Prince - The Powerful Benefits of God's Word - Part 1

Joseph Prince

Jesus said man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word of God....

#648 - Joseph Prince - His Word Brings Life And Healing - Part 3

Joseph Prince

Everything that you want in your life is not gonna come by your efforts, your labor, your smartness, your intelligence. It's gonna come by the Word of God that you receive in your life. It might not germinate immediately. It might not sprout...

#648 - Joseph Prince - His Word Brings Life And Healing - Part 2

Joseph Prince

We don't wanna hear psychology being preached. We don't wanna hear scientific facts being preached. We don't wanna hear the opinions of experts being preached. Wanna hear the Word of the living God, hallelujah. Seek understanding like...

#648 - Joseph Prince - His Word Brings Life And Healing - Part 1

Joseph Prince

You are a blessing everywhere you go when you're filled with the Word of God. Hallelujah. May this be true in your life from this day forth, amen? Because right now you are receiving God's Word. When you receive God's Word, be...