Charles Stanley - Taking Risks

Charles Stanley

Do you like playing it safe, or are you more adventurous in your choices? Many Christians don’t like risk because the outcome is uncertain and may involve loss or other unwanted results. From a human viewpoint, eliminating potential harm makes...

Charles Stanley - Right Relationships

Charles Stanley

Are you searching for companionship? Seeking someone who can share your troubles, and rejoice in your victories? If you are a believer, Christ wants to be that Person for you. Your personal relationship with Jesus Christ will affect all your other...

Charles Stanley - A Healthy Body

Charles Stanley

According to God's Word, your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. What better reason could you have for taking care of it? A healthy diet and regular physical activity are apart of God's will for you, as together they will enable you to...

Charles Stanley - A Balanced Schedule

Charles Stanley

When you look at your calendar, what do you see? Meetings? Social engagements? Sporting events? Something's missing unless you've also scheduled time alone with God, fun with your family fun, and rest for yourself....

Charles Stanley - A Clear Mind

Charles Stanley

Do you want to reach the goals that God would have you reach? To do so, you'll have to have a clean heart. Otherwise, it's impossible. You'll also need a clear mind. Dr. Stanley explains why what we think is so important in reaching...

Charles Stanley - A Clean Heart

Charles Stanley

Dr. Stanley reviews some of Jesus’s most humble acts of service and explains why we must be willing to do the same. Jesus is looking for people who will humble themselves, ignoring pride, position, and power along the way. Are you willing to do so...