Charles Stanley - Taking Risks

Do you like playing it safe, or are you more adventurous in your choices? Many Christians don’t like risk because the outcome is uncertain and may involve loss or other unwanted results. From a human viewpoint, eliminating potential harm makes sense. But for Christians, uncertainty is part of walking by faith. There are times when obedience may seem risky to us, but from God’s perspective, there’s no danger since He controls all things and never fails to accomplish His purposes.
Charles Stanley - The Walk Of Faith
Charles Stanley - The Walk Of Faith
31-07-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - How to Be Sure of God's Will
Charles Stanley - How to Be Sure of God's Will
25-03-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Living Wisely or Foolishly
Charles Stanley - Living Wisely or Foolishly
15-04-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - The Thrill of Obedience
Charles Stanley - The Thrill of Obedience
25-09-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
TD Jakes - When Taking Risks Makes You Uncomfortable
TD Jakes - When Taking Risks Makes You Uncomfortable
29-12-2021, 15:00, TD Jakes
Charles Stanley - The Companion of Faith
Charles Stanley - The Companion of Faith
27-05-2022, 11:00, Charles Stanley
Andy Stanley - Leading Through Uncertain Times
Andy Stanley - Leading Through Uncertain Times
21-12-2020, 23:00, Andy Stanley
Charles Stanley - Obeying God
Charles Stanley - Obeying God
25-04-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - The Requirements of Obedience
Charles Stanley - The Requirements of Obedience
19-07-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - God's Precious Promises
Charles Stanley - God's Precious Promises
14-03-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Joyce Meyer - Taking Risks - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Taking Risks - Part 2
15-06-2021, 22:30, Joyce Meyer
Charles Stanley - The Enriching Rewards of Obedience
Charles Stanley - The Enriching Rewards of Obedience
10-09-2023, 04:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Obedience Always Brings Blessings
Charles Stanley - Obedience Always Brings Blessings
15-06-2022, 11:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Gifted for Service
Charles Stanley - Gifted for Service
6-09-2023, 04:00, Charles Stanley
Andy Stanley - What I Want to Want
Andy Stanley - What I Want to Want
7-11-2020, 23:00, Andy Stanley
Charles Stanley - The Danger of Anger
Charles Stanley - The Danger of Anger
3-04-2024, 02:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Walking Through Dark Times With God
Charles Stanley - Walking Through Dark Times With God
27-09-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Walking With God Through the Dark Times
Charles Stanley - Walking With God Through the Dark Times
13-03-2023, 16:00, Charles Stanley
Touré Roberts - Risky Business
Touré Roberts - Risky Business
18-03-2025, 04:00, Touré Roberts
Charles Stanley - What Does Obedience Require?
Charles Stanley - What Does Obedience Require?
11-08-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - The School of Obedience
Charles Stanley - The School of Obedience
24-09-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Things That Cannot Be Shaken
Charles Stanley - Things That Cannot Be Shaken
7-06-2022, 11:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - The Priority of Obedience
Charles Stanley - The Priority of Obedience
7-09-2023, 04:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Walking In Faith
Charles Stanley - Walking In Faith
11-09-2022, 14:00, Charles Stanley