Joseph Prince - Unlock The Secret To Contentment

Joseph Prince

One reason why people give up on their life or they take their own life is because they see all kinds of imperfection in themselves, they see all kinds of darkness in their mind, but it's all a lie. Are you listening? A lot of Christians are...

Joseph Prince - Protect Your Thoughts, Protect Your Peace

Joseph Prince

The reason you can believe for a good in your future, for a confident expectation of good, for a happy anticipation of good in your future is because at the cross. Jesus bore all your sins and cancelled out all the effects of those sins and the...

Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 3

Joseph Prince

Before your difficulty, learn to say this under your breath: "The battle is the Lord's. It's not mine". And the devil say, "What are you going to do about it"? You say, "The battle is not mine. It's the...

Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 2

Joseph Prince

If you're suffering mental issues, you've been diagnosed with depression or whatever it is, you keep yourself in the room, take one step. Just get up, breathe, eat, and just start walking out. Just a walk in the park. Maybe just go out...

Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 1

Joseph Prince

You know, the Lord knows what you're going through. More than anybody else, he knows exactly what you're going through. Maybe you can't sleep well. This message is for you. "What is happening? Why nighttime is so severe for me?...

Joseph Prince - God's Supply For All Your Needs - Part 3

Joseph Prince

Thy Word is a lamp where? Across my path all the way to the end. No, no. I can see the end from here because it's so bright. No, no. God's way is never like that. God's way is your Word is a lamp unto my feet. So the more I walk, the...

Joseph Prince - God's Supply For All Your Needs - Part 2

Joseph Prince

Remember in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus says, "Don't worry about what you shall eat or what you shall drink or what you shall wear". Amen. The Benjamin generation, people who are under grace will have plenty to eat, and plenty to...

Joseph Prince - God's Supply For All Your Needs - Part 1

Joseph Prince

In God's economy, when you give, it comes back to you much more. Just like the widow. When Elisha came to her house, she was actually being pursued by the creditors at that point in time because her husband died, left behind a debt, and the...

Joseph Prince - God's Answer For Life's Highs And Lows

Joseph Prince

They say that stress, when you're under stress, okay, it affects your body, especially chronic stress. It can cause cardiovascular problems, sickness, disease, and all kinds of conditions. Chronic stress, so what is that? It's trying to...

Joseph Prince - Discover Your True Self In Christ

Joseph Prince

God looks at you and God puts his righteousness on you. The moment you believe on Jesus, God treats you like Jesus, amen? Your actions are not yet perfect, your thoughts are not perfect, amen? But until then, God does not look at you in your error,...

Joseph Prince - Blessings Flow When You Follow Jesus

Joseph Prince

You know how the Gospel of John ends? All the four gospels, because Jesus is the King of the Jews, he ends off by giving them, "Go into all the world and observe all my commandments". Those are commandments of the New Covenant, loving one...

Joseph Prince - Praise Opens The Door To God's Grace - Special

Joseph Prince

When you praise the Lord, your perspective, even though bad things are happening, you always see the sunrise. We love him because he first loved us, right? But if we don't love him as we should, it's because we don't realize how much...