Joseph Prince - Blessings Flow When You Follow Jesus
You know how the Gospel of John ends? All the four gospels, because Jesus is the King of the Jews, he ends off by giving them, "Go into all the world and observe all my commandments". Those are commandments of the New Covenant, loving one another and preaching the gospel and believing on his name, right? You find, "Lo, I'm with you always even to the end of the world".
That's how Matthew ends. How does Mark end? The Lord working with them, still in heaven working. Luke ends with Jesus going all the way to Bethany, blessed his disciples and went up to heaven. So there's ascension. You know how John ends? No ascension, resurrection but no ascension. You still see Jesus on earth. Why is that so? Because he's God in the Gospel of John, he's everywhere. Joshua and Caleb went into the promised land to spy out the land with all the other leaders of the tribes. And they are the only two ones that came back and said, "The land that God gave us," in the English Bible, "Is an exceeding good land," in the Hebrew, literally, a repeat, "It's a very, very good land".
I don't care how many spies say it's a difficult land, a land that devours its inhabitants, there are giants in the land. I don't care about all these evil reports. As far as I'm concerned, if God gives the land to me, God loves me. And it's a very, very good land because it's from God. Your inheritance, child of God, is very, very good. Very, very good.
People who kept you alive, they are those who have gone but you are alive. Who kept you alive? You keep yourself alive? Your doctor kept you alive? The Lord kept you alive. Unless the Lord built the house, we labor in vain. Unless the Lord is involved in that surgery, the surgery is in vain. The Lord kept you alive. Don't you ever forget that. The Lord kept me alive and Caleb knew it. The Lord kept me alive.
Sometimes when I look at other preachers and what they are doing and things happening, right, I ask myself: am I doing enough? Am I doing, you know, and I feel the Lord telling me, "Son, what is that to you? Whatever they are doing, what is that to you? You follow me". And those are times when I lose that consciousness that the Lord loves me, I start comparing. But when I know the Lord loves me, I don't have to worry about what people do.
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