Touré Roberts - Alignment: The Lifestyle

Touré Roberts

Message: Alignment, The Lifestyle Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church You come into an alignment season; your life will transform from «When is this ever going to happen?» to «God, I can’t believe all this is happening.» These shifts occur...

#701 - Joseph Prince - Live With A Heavenly Perspective - Part 4

Joseph Prince

What can you expect when you're seated with Christ? There's a show coming. He's going to show you the exceeding riches of his grace. And you know what? Listen carefully. It's not just when you die and go to heaven he will show...

#701 - Joseph Prince - Live With A Heavenly Perspective - Part 3

Joseph Prince

We live life from heaven earthwards. Don't live life from earth heavenward. Don't become earthward. "Ah, this coming week I got a lot of things to do. Ah, I feel very stressful. I feel I got to", no. Go higher. I even...

#701 - Joseph Prince - Live With A Heavenly Perspective - Part 2

Joseph Prince

The cross of Jesus Christ is outside time and space. It's for all those who ever lived before he came and all those who would live in the future. So all our sins are put there at the cross. When God says, "I forgive you of all your...

#701 - Joseph Prince - Live With A Heavenly Perspective - Part 1

Joseph Prince

When everything in this world is changing God never change, and there's no unrighteousness in him. And not only that, he is your personal rock. Don't just sit on the window listening to the sermon, be planted. Be planted. Notice it says if...

Kenneth Copeland - Prayer Is a Vital Part of the Christian Life

Kenneth Copeland

The Holy Spirit prays God’s will for you! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he explains the different gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Learn why prayer is such a vital part of the Christian life and how—with the...

Kenneth Copeland - Covenants Govern Our Lives

Kenneth Copeland

Is your heart honoring God? Watch Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they speak of how covenants govern our lives, whether we believe them or not. Learn to operate in your Covenant through a heart that...

Jack Hibbs - Behind The Mask

Jack Hibbs

The apostle Paul issues a strong warning in the book of Romans against having a worldly lifestyle hidden behind a Christian mask. The way to avoid this skewed version of Christianity is to study God’s Word and let it be our guide to righteous living....

Amir Tsarfati - Live Soberly and Righteously Today

Amir Tsarfati

No one who has lived for the Lord will ever regret it. No one who has lived for the Lord has missed out on anything in life that would make it better. Maybe this is a tough season for some who are reading this today. If that is you, just remember...

Jerry Savelle - God Wants You to Live a Normal Lifestyle - Part 2

Jerry Savelle

Learn what it means to live a normal kind of life according to God and how not accept the worlds limits that want to hold you down. Today is your day to live free from the world's normal....

Jerry Savelle - God Wants You to Live a Normal Lifestyle - Part 1

Jerry Savelle

Have you accepted the world's viewpoint of normal without even realizing it? In this two part series, Dr. Savelle teaches how to Break loose from the limits of the world and live a lifestyle in God's normal....

Rick Renner - Lot, Not Living Righteously

Rick Renner

How badly did Lot digress? Can a believer stay in a bad situation and still belong to the Lord? That’s what Rick Renner discusses in today’s program....