Joel Osteen - Breaking Control

Joel Osteen

I want to talk to you today about Breaking Control. It's easy to go through life doing things out of guilt and pressure. People use control and manipulation to get their way. If we're not careful we'll take home this false sense of...

Jack Hibbs - Who is the Master of Manipulation and Deception?

Jack Hibbs

The Bible warns us that the Antichrist will trick many into trusting in him for peace and safety. He will be the most winsome politician the world has ever seen. Join us in searching the Scriptures to find out who he is and how he will ultimately be...

Craig Groeschel - Controlling People

Craig Groeschel

Are you or someone you know a controlling person? In Week 1 of Relational Vampires, Pastor Craig Groeschel helps us recognize the weapons of a controlling person and learn how we can cultivate healthy relationships with appropriate boundaries....

Creflo Dollar - Manipulation

Creflo Dollar

Manipulation is not even a spiritual force. It is a force deriving from the flesh. It uses the flesh's power to get things to change. Rather than using your trust in God to get things to change, you use manipulation, a flesh power to try to get...