It could've ended different. In “Where To Find Your Opportunity,” Pastor Steven Furtick shows us that God uses ordinary moments to do extraordinary things through us. This is an excerpt from "I Know How This Story Ends."...
People share their history with you because they don't want to see you, you know, repeat the same thing they know about. They have seen the movie that you're trying to finish, and they know exactly how it ends....
There are moments in life when it looks like the doors of healing, abundance, freedom have been shut for us. But, keep believing because God is your door keeper and He will open them at the right time....
In John Hope Bryant’s latest book, “Up From Nothing: The Untold Story of How We (All) Succeed,” he reminds us that opportunity is not dead, even now. Today Bishop TD Jakes discuss with John Hope Bryant this book....
Bishop T.D. Jakes teach on Looking Beyond the Headlines and Seeing Opportunity - excerpt from The Power of Agreement, based on Hebrews 11: 8-12 (KJV)...
Disappointment is inevitable. But what if your disappointment could be turned into an opportunity? Learn that, when one door closes, there’s always another way....
Opportunities surround you every day. Pastor Rick uses his own life experiences and Scripture to teach about seeing, sensing, and seizing the right ones. Discover how to develop the skills to be ready for and evaluate the opportunities around you....
Don’t let setbacks keep you from stepping into what’s next. In “What To Do When God Opens A Door,” Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church teaches us to not let old disappointments hold us back from new opportunities....
Do you sometimes feel bored by the Christian life? That isn't what our heavenly Father intends for His children. Our lives, from the moment of salvation until we see Jesus face to face, should be characterized by excitement and adventure. How?...