I want to talk to you from this thought today: the God of opportunities.
Father, thank you so much for this moment that you have allowed all of us, Lord, to be in. We love you; we don’t take for granted the ability, and even, Lord, the mindset to come into your house. God, I thank you for your rich and radical love for everyone under the sound of my voice, even right now. You love them with a never-ending, unfailing, everlasting love. You know the thoughts you think towards them—thoughts of Shalom and not of evil. You know the plans you have for them—plans to prosper them and not to harm them, to give them a future. And, oh Father, I pray that today, at this time, you would prosper them; you would prosper their souls, you would prosper their minds, and you would prosper their hearts. I thank you for the spirit of wisdom, revelation, insight, and knowledge that you are going to do a great work in. In Jesus' name, Amen. Amen.
God bless you! Do me a favor: greet somebody, greet somebody before you take your seat. Thank you so much, thank you so much! And Roosevelt, I want you to rock with me when it’s time, sir. Roosevelt, rock with me when it’s time. Hallelujah! Don’t we thank God for our worship team? Come on, from LA to Denver, just wow! Just an incredible, incredible company of Levites. You know, God has recently had me praying differently. I don’t pray for miracles anymore; I don’t pray for miracles in the sense of, «God, send me a miracle.» What I pray now is, «God, reveal to me the opportunity that the miracle is hidden in.» I feel the Holy Spirit. God oftentimes answers us not by manifestation but by opportunity. Are you tracking with me? So sometimes we are waiting for God to give us a handout, but the reality of it is that the only things that God hands out are opportunities. Are you tracking with me? So what you need, and what you are looking for even now, is hidden in an opportunity. Why is it like that? It’s like that because you and I were created to be creators; we were created to be co-laborers with God. In other words, it’s not, «God, give me this blessing.» It is, «God, show me the miracle in the opportunity.» Are you tracking with me? Some of you right now need to pray for God to reveal the opportunity that He has predestined and preordained to bring you into His promise. Can I teach today? I want to teach today. We’ve got a lot of ground to cover. God meets needs via opportunities. When you think about the principle of faith, even the people of faith itself, the Bible says that it is by grace that we are saved through faith. So grace is an opportunity. Our faith is what we use to engage that opportunity to get what He predetermined. Fill the Holy Spirit. I think that some in this room, some watching via livestream, I think that you might be looking in the wrong place. You’re looking for the manifestation; you need to be looking for the opportunity. Because you and God are going to partner together to bring this thing to pass. He is the God of opportunities, of opportunities, of opportunities. I’ve been praying differently. I’m thinking about when God—if you study Genesis chapter 2—and I don’t think I gave it to the staff, but it’s really— I may have given it to the staff; I don’t know. But Genesis chapter 2, I want to show you something. It deals with creation, and after God creates everything—He creates the universe, He creates the heavens and the earth, and He creates the plants and the animals, and He creates humans—He gives them everything in the trees, and they have seed within themselves. So He creates this ecosystem that would perpetually continue to create. That’s all in Genesis chapter 1. Then, in Genesis chapter 2, it says that God rests. Let’s look at it real quick; I’m going to show you something that’s heavy. He says in Genesis chapter 2, verses 1 through 3: «Thus, the heavens and the earth and all the host of them were finished.» Done! «And on the seventh day, God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.» That’s kind of heavy. What if it were the case that God is not going to do anything else? Stay with me; somebody just got depressed right there. No, this is good news, actually! What if it’s the case that God is not going to do anything? What if He has already done everything, and you and I just have to mine out the opportunities that exist in the world we are in that will manifest what He has already done? If you look at Genesis, it’s interesting—it says that He does all of His work, He does all of His creating, and then He gives seed: the trees bearing seed, fruit bearing seed, humans carrying seed. And then He rests. Why does He rest? Why is He so satisfied to no longer work and rest? He is satisfied to no longer work and rest because He has set in motion a divine ecosystem with opportunities, and if His sons and daughters will lay hold…
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#601 - Joseph Prince - Can I Ask God To Prosper Me? - Part 2
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#122 - Joseph Prince - How To Prosper During Severe Famine - Highlights
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