I’m going to discuss that more tonight, but when God calls us into something, all we have to do is sow the seed of our «yes» right now. All of us in here have the power to say yes to God. You may not have the power to do anything else, but in the moment you’re standing in, you have the power to say, «Yes, Lord.» Do I have any «Yes, Lord» believers in here right now? No matter what God says, you’ll just say, «Yes, Lord,» because you understand that He’s a good God, an awesome God, and a mighty God. He would never invite you into anything that would set you back. Yes, God, that’s your new vocabulary: «Yes, God.» Oh, I feel the Holy Spirit! I’m telling you, if you can get to a place where you will say, «Yes, God,» you have no idea where God will take you. God is looking for some people tonight who will say, «Yes, God. Yes, Lord, have Your way. Not my will, but Your will be done; Your kingdom come, Your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Your kingdom come, Your will be done in my life as heaven already knows.» Here’s what I feel; here’s what I’m sensing: God wants to bring you forward. No matter where you are in your walk, no matter where you are in your journey, the Holy Spirit has brought you here tonight, has drawn you here tonight, because He wants to upgrade you. He wants to take you higher. I feel it! You have walked into a dimensional leap. If you will say, «Yes, Lord,» where are my «Yes, Lord» people in here tonight? You want God to say yes to you, but I hear God saying, «Will you give me a yes? Will you say yes to me? For I know the plans that I have for you,» says God, «plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope.» I hear God saying, «I’ve got a future for you. I know you think you’re at the end of your rope, but God is saying, 'No, you are not. You are at the beginning of my rope, and I’m getting ready to pull you into something unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.'» Where are my «Yes, Lord» saints gathered in God’s house? Yes, Lord! Not «maybe» Lord; not «one day» Lord; not «next week» Lord; not «when I get my life together» Lord; not «tomorrow,» not «when I get my money right,» not «when my career lines up.» I’m saying, «Yes, Lord,» tonight! I know what I know; I know what I know! I know the anointing and the grace that’s in this house right now. I’m telling you it’s for wherever you are, for Him to move you forward. I sense it, I sense it, I sense it! If you are in the back row, you’re coming into the middle. If you are in the middle, you’re coming to the front. If you are in the front, you’re coming on the stage! If you know God is speaking to you, make some noise in His house! Say, «He’s talking to me! Yeah, yeah, yeah!» There it is! Oh, there’s a yes in this house tonight! God’s been waiting for your yes! Oh, there it is! I know what I know; I know what I know; I know what I know; I know what I know. When I know, I know what God is doing! He’s calling you forward. Father, You’ve gathered Your sons and daughters, Your mothers and fathers, old and young, a diversity of everything. You’ve gathered them here tonight because You’re calling them higher. Oh, glory to God! And God, when You call us higher, when You call us forward, You don’t do so without supplying grace, divine enablement, Your power, Your ability that is unlocked and released when we say «yes.» Even in Your invitation, You give us the grace to say yes. Grace that will bring us into more grace. I thank You for every person here, and I thank You for every person that’s watching. I thank You for what You’re doing here. Things are lifting right now; people are being healed right now. Some have been sick with fear, sick with anxiety, sick with confusion, sick with purposelessness. They’ve been greatly distracted because there are great distractions in the hour that we’re living in. But God, in Your goodness, in Your wisdom, and in Your grace, You called them. Hallelujah! You called them, just like You said to John in the Book of Revelation, «Come up here! Come up here!» I thank You, Lord God, that not one is going to miss what You have for them tonight. Oh, glory! I thank You, God, that a sense of the call of God is going to be on every life unlike ever before. God, as they are brought into alignment, You’re going to add things to them; You’re going to make it so plain and so clear! Wow! I thank You, God, that as they say yes, things that were locked are going to be loosed; things that were closed are going to be opened; things that were open and needed to be closed are going to be closed. Because we realize that our yes gives us the keys to the kingdom, that whatsoever we bind on Earth will be bound, and whatever we loose on Earth will be loosed. I thank You for what You’re doing, Father; You’re giving keys tonight—that’s what You’re doing! Okay, I got you! I got you! I got you! I got you! I got you! I got you! I got you! I got you! I got you!
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