There will be seasons where God will cause you to be covert, but it’s temporary. I have a prophetic word for you: no more hiding! God spoke something to me, and I’m going to unpack it. Hear me, not as a man with my own words. In this moment, right now, I’m telling you it is time to switch. If you were called to be covert because you were trying to get to where you needed to go and to get into position, see, there are some people right now who are in position, and you haven’t fully come out of the Kingdom closet. And I’ll be honest with you, you weren’t supposed to, but I’m telling you right now, it is just like the seventh day around Jericho where God is commanding you to move from covert to overt, to get loud, bold, and unapologetic. Now is the time! Let me tell you something: things are going to begin to break. I need to take my time and teach this; I really need to take my time to teach it. I’m telling you, it’s getting ready to work; it’s going to work. See, there was a fear: if I am who I truly am and if I show who I truly am, I’m going to lose my job, I’m going to lose favor, I’m going to lose my position. But I’m here to tell you that something has shifted in the spirit, and God is saying it’s time for you to move from covert to overt, and it is going to work. Why? Why? Why is it going to work now? Because remember, it’s about times and seasons. There is a time to zip it and a time to speak up. Fear the Lord! Now, this speaking up that I’m talking about is not just you being loud, boisterous, religious, irrelevant, or, might I add, ignorant and irresponsible; that is not what I’m talking about. That’s the lazy approach to the command to be overt. I’m talking about getting into your prayer closet, getting into the secret place with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, having spent so much time with Jesus that when you show up, you look like Moses when he came down off the mountain after being in the presence of God for 40 days, and his face shone so brightly that beams of light came off his face. He was trying to talk to them, and they looked at him like, «What just happened to you?» Watch this: he could not be hidden. He couldn’t be hidden because of his relationship, his intimacy, and his access to the Lord. I’m not talking about you being religious, running up to everyone telling them about Jesus. I’m saying you should be so transfigured by the presence of Jesus that people are staring at you, wanting to know what is that, who is that, and what do you have. Give me some of that! Feel the Holy Spirit in here; I wish I had about 15 people that would catch what I’m saying and just begin to praise God with me because I feel war getting ready to break out in here! I feel it, I feel it! You are in the right place, baby; you are in the right room! Come on, somebody, I feel it, I feel it. I feel the enemy getting nervous! Oh, God, I feel the enemy getting nervous! I feel like they were inside the walls of Jericho, shut up because they were getting ready to be shut down. And I feel the Holy Spirit saying to you: if you would embrace this word and say, «You know what? I’m coming out of the Kingdom closet, ” something’s going to break; something’s going to break! I’ve got to teach this; I’ve got to teach this! Over and over, God’s calling you out; I see it! He’s calling you out, and it’s going to work; it’s going to work. The people who used to laugh at Christians, oh my God, will be looking for someone with power, looking for someone with glory, looking for someone with wisdom, looking for someone with integrity, looking for someone with faith. If that’s you, give God a roar! Thank you, Jesus! Something is happening; something is happening! I feel it, I feel it! The enemy is getting ready to let you go. Ra! The enemy is getting ready to let you go! He’s got to let you go; he’s got to let you go! He’s getting ready to let you go! Uhhuh! We’re going to do business here today; we’re going to do business here today! So, there are two things—I thought there were three, but there are two things, second service. The two things you’re going to need to be delivered from in order to do this: two things. The fear of man and the fear of rejection. You ready? You ready? The fear of man and the fear of rejection. Let’s deal with it! First of all, here’s what the Bible says about the fear of man: it says in Proverbs 29:25, „The fear of man brings a snare, but he who trusts in the Lord is safe.“ That’s a very interesting Hebrew word that was translated „snare.“ It’s the Hebrew word „mêçāb, ” which literally means „a noose, ” and watch this: not just any type of noose, but this noose is designed for animals. The slavery of the fear of man—that’s why you’re scared to say something, that’s why you’re scared to be you. You’ve got spiritual asthma; you can’t even breathe and release the breath that God has given you!