My theme for today, and the theme that I will minister on, is «Just Survive It,» and we’ll stick with that before the second bonus. I want to tell a story, and the story sounds much better with music. It says, «Then Samuel died.» Now, if you just look at that and focus on those three words, it doesn’t seem like much. But let me give you the backdrop of this account, which is really about David; it’s not about Samuel. This is about David, and this is arguably the most difficult moment of David’s life. This moment for David is so difficult that it is the only time you see David—the great, strong, mighty, giant-slaying King—prepared to throw it all away. What a moment he’s in! This is King David. When we find him in this text, he has been anointed by the prophet Samuel and has been promoted in the house of the king of Israel, Saul. Consequently, Saul becomes jealous of David and initiates this assassination attempt that drives David out of Saul’s house, out of his own father’s house, and into hiding. Now, Saul, the most powerful man in Israel, is pursuing David to take his life. What had once become familiar, what looked like a promotion, now all of a sudden seems like the worst thing that could ever happen to him. He has lost everything. He is hiding in a stronghold with some men that he has gathered together, who were also in distress, discouraged, and discontent with their lives. He’s in the stronghold—he’s in hiding, in a place of safety—and while he is there, he gets the worst news he could possibly get to that point. Because he had lost so much, all he had left was his spiritual father, the prophet Samuel. At this time, he was the only source of assurance, the only sense of peace that David had. It was Samuel, after all, who anointed him king and said, «You’re going to be the king over Israel.» It was Samuel who, when Saul was acting out, provided counsel; he was David’s confidant, his father figure. For all intents and purposes, we can believe that his biological father somewhat rejected him, so all he has in this moment is the prophet Samuel’s words. Anyone can relate to having a friend; if this friend were removed from your life, you wouldn’t know what you would do. It could be a parent or someone of great significance in your life. David is in a tough place; he is as far away from the promise, based on his perception, as he can be. And he gets the news that the only one who knew what was on his life, the only one who could see him for who he really was, has now passed away. You know, some people just encourage you; some people inspire you. You know they recognize your potential and don’t treat you based on where you are but instead treat you based on where you’re headed. You know what I’m talking about. When you get around them, you feel inspired, and even though you’re still working things out on the inside, for whatever reason, God has given them the grace to see you not for where you are but for where you’re headed. You know what I’m talking about—people like that who inspire you. When you feel like a flea or a tick, you get in their presence and feel like a king again. They hand you your crown when you want to take it off and toss it aside because you’ve made a mistake or because of what is happening to you. They put your crown back squarely on your head and say, «Stand up, put your shoulders back, put your chest out, believe, and swing again.» You know what I’m talking about. Can we just thank God for people like that who God ensures are in our lives? Just take a minute because those people are great blessings. Never take them for granted; truly, they save your lives! That’s family; that’s who Samuel was to David, and he dies—quite frankly, he dies at the wrong time. You’re not supposed to die until I’ve made it because I need you. You’re not supposed to die until everything that you know about my future and everything that God has shown us together is fulfilled. We’re in covenant; we are co-dreamers. You can’t die now! I’m still in the stronghold; I’m still hiding; I’m still running. The manifestation has to come; you can’t die—not you! Let anybody else die, but not you. But the Bible says Samuel died, and what makes matters worse for David is the way it is stated: «Then Samuel died.» So unfair! Has anyone ever felt like life was unfair? Have you ever been kicked by life when you were already down? Has that ever happened to you before? «I can’t take another hit.» I want to talk to some real people here today—we’re not going to have cute church; we’re going to have real church today. You see, there are seasons when blessings overtake you and you’re like, «Whoa, wow!» You’re just getting smacked all around by blessings. But then there are other seasons—oh God, I feel this! This is for you because I’m talking to some champions here today. There are some things that champions must understand—some things that champions must understand. There are things that…
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