Let’s go to 2nd Samuel chapter 22. We’re going to read the first seven verses, and our thought for the night is really a prophetic declaration: your cry has been heard. This is going to create mixed responses here because there are some who may say, «I haven’t cried.» Even the cry you haven’t voiced has been heard. Are you tracking with me? As we look at 2nd Samuel 22, we’ll read it now, give you the backdrop, and tell you what’s happening.
Then David spoke to the Lord the words of this song on the day when the Lord had delivered him from the hand of all his enemies. This is a very unique moment, and I feel God already; this is a very unique moment in David’s life. He has been delivered from all his enemies after a long journey of fighting—fighting devils and giants, fighting the jealousy of his brothers, fighting the absence of validation from his father, fighting Goliath, and then turning around and fighting Saul, who should have loved him because all he did was love Saul. But Saul was so jealous because David was so anointed that David ended up running for his life from the person he was anointed to serve.
If you study David’s life—I’m just giving you a little context—you’ll see he had been fighting enemies all his life, even before that jealousy and hate from his brothers. He fought a lion and a bear. This is a moment in David’s life, hallelujah! All he knows are enemies. He conquers Goliath, but then God deals with Saul, and the next thing you know, even men in his camp start turning on him—his chief armor bearer, his right-hand man, and even his chief commander, Joab. After a while, even Joab turned on him; his sons tried to take the kingdom from him. Just enemies everywhere!
So when I come to this text and say that God had delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, we can’t just brush past that. All he knew was trouble; all he knew was hatred. At the appointed time, God said enough, and I feel like some of you are on the brink right now of an «enough.» You’ve been fighting long enough; your cry has been heard.
What you don’t know is happening—and we’ll get into that in just a second; bear with me—what you don’t know happened right before this. If you study the previous chapter, it is a season in David’s life when he is tired, and he should be tired. He’s been fighting all his life, right? I figured I was in the right room, so he’s tired, and maybe he thinks he’s landing the plane—maybe he’s getting ready to retire. Then enemies rise up!
Check this out: the crazy thing you need to study when you get a chance is that the enemies that are rising up against him are the offspring of the giants, the offspring of Goliath. David thought he killed them, and now, after he’s weary and ready to land the plane, he looks up, and in his weakest moment, the offspring of something he already killed is trying to kill him. We see this happen four times. Just when David had his back against the wall, there was somebody from his camp who was mightier than what was fighting against him, and that person would kill the enemy.
I feel the Lord! When his back was against the wall fighting an enemy he thought was dead, there are some people in here right now who thought that that battle should have been over a long time ago. You’ve been fighting something for a long time and rejoicing; I sense this prophetically. You’ve rejoiced over it being dead, but now you find yourself right there in that battle again. I’m telling you right now, you are on your way to having rest on every side. This is the last dance; this is the last showdown. God has heard your cry, and He is getting ready to deal with that thing once and for all.
Right before you get rest from your enemies, they attack you one by one. It’s one thing to fight a devil you thought you killed. You cry out to the Lord, and He comes through and deals with that thing, and you think, «Whoo! All right, okay, yeah, he rose up, but I got him!» Then another one shows up! I mean, I could take you back there, but I’m just going to tell you because I want you to study it on your own. This one is of the giants, but then suddenly, when David thinks he’s getting ready to be crushed by that thing, God had a ram in the bush! God had somebody on his team, someone in the camp who came out of nowhere and said, «Not against my king!» This happens four times— and that’s a lot, guys!
Are you tired already? Because, I feel the Lord, and you’ve been fighting all…
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