The title of today’s message is «All You Need Is One.» All you need is one—just one—just one. I want us to look at Ephesians chapter 4. I’m going to read the first eight verses, and we’re going to have a conversation. The first eight verses of Ephesians chapter 4 are powerful because the Apostle Paul is writing to the Church of Ephesus. This entire chapter is significant as it breaks down the identity of the body of Christ and how we are supposed to function. It’s a great study; if you just read the whole thing, it will bless you. I believe if you read from Genesis to Revelation, you’ll find a blessing or two in it, and you’ll certainly find this there.
So, Paul the Apostle, the pastor, is preaching and writing a letter to this church. He says, «I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord.» He doesn’t mean prisoner in a negative way. He’s basically saying, «God’s got me. I have latched on to Him so wonderfully that He has latched on to me perfectly. I’m His slave; I’m His prisoner.» But see, I’m not the prisoner who went to jail and put myself in handcuffs. I’m the prisoner who recognized that God was so good that I didn’t want to be separate from Him at all. I wanted to be locked up with Him because to be locked up with Him means I’m free from everything else. Are you tracking with me? He didn’t arrest me; I arrested myself because I have tasted and seen that God is so good and wonderful that I said, «God, please let me serve You. Please let me walk with You. Please show me Your glory.» I wish I had some people that had that testimony. «God, you know what? You’re so good, and you’re so awesome, and there’s nothing better than You. I just want to be Your servant; to be a doorkeeper in Your house. Just let me be a slave in Your house. I’ll be a prisoner; I don’t have to be a king in Your house. Just let me be with You because even a slave in God’s house is a king on the earth.»
So he says, «I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord,» and we pause as he writes now to the Church of Ephesus, and I believe he’s speaking to us. He says, «I beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called.» Let me tell you right now; everyone in here is called. You’re called. You’re called to something. You’re not random. You’re not here trying to figure out life; you’re called. God said, «Before I formed you in your mother’s womb, I knew you; I set you apart; I made you unique and distinct; I ordained you.» You’re not random; you’re called. God sees you as a specialist—a very necessary, much-needed specialist in the age that He has manifested you in. You weren’t supposed to be born 60 years ago, nor are you supposed to be born in 60 years. You’re born now because God needs you now, and you’re a specialist in something. There’s nobody like you, and what you have to do is figure out who you are.
Oh, I feel the Lord. Paul is saying, «I need you to begin to walk worthy.» I feel the Spirit urging you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called. What does it say? Go back to it quickly: «Walk worthy of the calling with which you were called.» So the calling is a high calling, and it’s so high that you can’t even play with it. You can’t afford to be part of random conversations or in random environments. God wants you to know who you are. Your calling is a high calling; it is a worthy calling. Oh, God wants you to walk according to it. I feel that for somebody right now. You’re walking too low; you are associating too low; you’re conversing too low, and God is saying, «No, no, no, you’re up here, baby!» Even if you have to be by yourself, be by yourself. It’s better to be alone at this high level for a season than to be down here with a whole bunch of people who aren’t going anywhere and can’t see you or themselves. You have a high calling. You better get delivered from the fear of being alone!
I feel that right now. Stop, take a seat, and rest on that word. You better get delivered from the fear of being alone. I’d rather be the real me and be all by myself than have a whole bunch of people calling my name. I don’t want to have to shrink to fit in with you. Walk worthy of it. Because when you begin to walk worthy of it, you will attract what you’re worthy of. Did you catch what I’m saying? Walk worthy of it, sustain lofty ideals, stay high. Let the right things come up to you; stop coming down. Let it come up to you. There are only certain things that are supposed to be next to you, and the problem is that when you don’t live in an elevated place, only the things that are supposed to connect with you will connect with you. Otherwise, lesser things will come into your space, taking up room where the right things should be. If you don’t have any friends, check your own level. If you live on your level, then what is on your level will find you.
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