I want to talk today about the subject of family dominating your sphere. Do me a favor and just turn to the person next to you and say, «It’s time for you to dominate your sphere.» Go ahead, come on, it’s time for you. Come on, LA, it’s time for you. I’m watching—dominate your sphere! It’s time for you to dominate! Dominate your sphere! I know you can’t stand it when the preacher does that, but I just want to hear it, man. I want to talk. Nobody but there’s something about opening your mouth. You’ve got power in your mouth, and there’s somebody next to you who needs to be encouraged by the power of this word. This is not just a cute little sermon; this is a revelation, and this revelation is going to start a revolution inside of you. When it happens in you, it’s going to flow out of you. So, I want to jump right into this. I’m going to delve right into these three sections of Scripture that I’m sharing with you today, written by two different men of God. One was the Apostle Paul; he is the one who wrote, of course, to the Church of Corinth—he wrote to the Corinthians. He also wrote to the Church of Ephesus; he wrote to the Ephesians. Then there’s Peter. The last verse I mentioned, which I think I will probably unpack more next week, is from Peter. He is also another great man of God, and they experienced things; their revelation in the Lord was beyond. I believe that I have a prophetic sense that some of you under the sound of my voice right now will be taken to a deeper and richer place of revelation. Just turn to your neighbor and say, «There’s more! There’s more!» Let me tell you something: revelation is so important because if you don’t have revelation tied into your understanding of Scripture, you will be missing something. I’ve seen people who are religious with no revelation; they cause more harm to the Kingdom than they do benefit. This thing is built on revelation. When God spoke to Peter and told him, «Upon this rock, I will build my church, and the very gates of Hell will not prevail against it,» the rock He referred to was the rock of revelation. I know this because of what happened before He said that He would build on this rock. Remember they were asking questions about what Jesus said, «Who do men say that I am?» They had all these answers: «You’re Elijah, reincarnated,» or «You’re this person raised from the dead.» Peter was the only one who said, «You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.» Jesus responded, «Flesh and blood did not reveal that to you. Tradition did not reveal that to you; religion did not reveal that to you.» He said that flesh and blood could not reveal it, but my Father in heaven revealed that. Then He says, «Now upon this rock, I will build my church, and the very gates of Hell will not be able to prevail.» What am I saying? I’m saying that what God is going to do in your life, He’s going to do by revelation; He’s going to do by what He reveals to you. Are you tracking with me? Paul has this passion for his children to be children of revelation. He has this passion. In fact, in Ephesians chapter one, his prayer is this: «I pray that the eyes of your understanding would be enlightened, that you would understand what is the rich hope of your calling.» In other words, he’s saying, «I want you to really know what you’ve tapped into when you tapped into Jesus.» I know that you think Jesus is simply about making it to heaven or feeling loved and all those things, but how many of us know there is more to what Jesus came to do than just getting into heaven and feeling good about ourselves? We have an inheritance in Jesus, and that’s what I want to talk about. So let’s go straight to this text. Let’s go to the first text: it’s 1 Corinthians chapter 10, verse 12. This is going to bless you! I love Paul because he’s such a genius; he really is! Paul doesn’t mix his words; he tells it straight up like it is. There were people at that time who claimed to be very religious, high-fiving themselves about how special they were. Maybe they could quote the Torah, and they had all of their religious routines together. They were commending themselves, and Paul is getting ready to break all of that down. Check it out: he says, «For we do not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves.» In other words, «I’m not walking around high-fiving and putting myself on a pedestal amongst others doing the same thing. I don’t roll like that. I don’t commend myself; I don’t compare myself. I’m not living for the praise of the people around me.» You’ve got to check this out! He says, «We do not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves.»
Touré Roberts - Dominating Your Sphere - Part 2
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Bill Winston - Faith to Dominate Your World
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Touré Roberts - It's Time to Move
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Beth Moore - Taking Root In The Family Tree - Part 3
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Touré Roberts - Power
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Creflo Dollar - Taking Authority Over Your Emotions - Part 1