I understand the season that you’re walking into, the season that this nation is walking into, and the season that this world is walking into. I get it; I see it. And yesterday, no matter how you feel about Donald Trump, no matter how you feel about him, that’s bad for the country, and you ought to thank God he didn’t die. You don’t want that. I want to share some things with you. They’re Kingdom things; they’re not political things. Do your part; do your civil duty from the highest level on down. Do that, but understand that that is completely different from your Kingdom duty. Oh, I’m going to say that again: your civil duty and your Kingdom duty are two different things. Kingdom people understand that. Here’s the truth: we really are not into taking sides; we’re into taking over. That’s what Kingdom people do. And I know that many in the Church have fumbled this—we’ve fumbled it real bad in one way or the other. We’ve fumbled it. It’s never been about a man; it’s always been about the Lord. He is the King of kings. I have a burden, and the Lord kind of—I want to just be transparent with you—switched up my message. I want to try to articulate the reason why he switched it up. It’s a good message; I’ll preach it at some point. It makes sense; it’s important. We need to understand those things. But God essentially said that it’s a great message, but it’s too low, it’s too low. I’ve been burdened by the fact that our conversation—when I say our conversation, I mean particularly you and I, as Kingdom citizens—the Church conversation is often too low. We’re talking about blessings, and while we’re talking about blessings and addressing our haters, the world is crumbling. The truth of the matter is there is a connection between the crumbling of the world and the Church because the Bible says that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world, which means that if we don’t do what we’re supposed to do, salt is a preservative. So if we see a deterioration of the earth, don’t look and start pointing fingers at the political stuff—look in the mirror and ask, «Am I being everything that I am called to be in this hour that we’re living in?» We’re going to have a grown-up conversation here today. Just sit down; we’ll talk. I wish I had a chair; I would really sit and talk with you. I wonder if I sat on the edge of this, would the camera pick it up? Somebody give me some—what if I did that? Because I’m going to do it. I’m going to sit down and talk to my family. I just want to sit with you for a minute. I might get back up in a minute, but for now, I just want to sit. Let me see what that close-up looks like. Oh, yes, this works! This works! Yeah, God said it’s too low. It’s good; it’s going to be helpful, the message. It’s going to be edifying. What I had before yesterday, he said, but there’s a time and a season for everything. The right message at the wrong time won’t have the impact that it’s supposed to have. So one of the things that the Lord has been speaking to me about, and what he has been making emphatically clear to me, is the role and the responsibility of the Church. So, I want to show you something; let’s go to Revelation chapter five, beginning at verse eight. Here is the backdrop: I wonder, hey, if I walk, could I walk around here too? Is that possible? I can’t? Oh man, the team says yes. Oh wow! I haven’t done this in a long time. What are my parameters? I’m just trying to see if I walk about this far. Oh, this is good! I like to be mobile. I’m doing this because I’m not preaching at you; I want to reason with you a little bit. So, Revelation chapter 5: here is the backdrop. Revelation was written by one of the Apostles by the name of John, and John writes Revelation while he has been exiled to this island called Patmos for being a servant of God. So, he has been exiled; he’s alone, he’s by himself, and one would think that these were undesirable circumstances. Truth be told, they probably were undesirable circumstances, but in this undesirable circumstance and this undesirable situation, he gets profound Revelation about what was, what is, and what is to come. So, as difficult as it is, I’m actually grateful that this happened to him because if he were not placed in this place of isolation, we wouldn’t have the Revelation. There’s a correlation between isolation and Revelation, and sometimes, as an extrovert—I’m a people person most of the time. One of the challenges with being an extrovert and a people person is that sometimes I don’t like to be alone, but sometimes the best thing for me is to be alone, where I am not distracted by company. Some of the most profound, in fact, I can’t even think! I don’t know if I’ve ever gotten a deep Revelation in a crowd; the deepest Revelations always come in isolation. So I say that to say, when you’re called and when you’re chosen, sometimes you will be by yourself, and I want you to get to a place.
Touré Roberts - Rock Steady
18-03-2025, 05:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - The Kingdom of Systemic Change - Part 1
19-03-2025, 22:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - 10 Days of Alignment
11-03-2025, 16:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - The Kingdom of Systemic Change - Part 2
19-03-2025, 23:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - Your Forgotten Inheritance
22-03-2025, 04:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - Next, Is Waiting On You
16-03-2025, 23:00, Touré Roberts
Bill Winston - Taking the Kingdom of God by Force
15-02-2023, 04:00, Bill Winston
Touré Roberts - Alignment: Ferociously Focused
11-03-2025, 23:00, Touré Roberts
Jeff Schreve - The Kingdom to Come
11-02-2022, 02:53, Jeff Schreve
Touré Roberts - Strategy in the Storm
18-03-2025, 20:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - The Path to Power
20-03-2025, 04:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - Just Say Yes
16-03-2025, 00:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - Walking with God
21-03-2025, 06:00, Touré Roberts
Jonathan Bernis - Expanding the Kingdom - Part 2
22-02-2022, 00:00, Jonathan Bernis
Robert Morris - Benefits of the Resurrection
22-11-2021, 00:00, Robert Morris
Touré Roberts - For Us
13-03-2025, 18:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - The Process of The Promise
20-03-2025, 13:00, Touré Roberts
David Barton - Duty of the Citizen
30-05-2021, 03:00, David Barton
Touré Roberts - Kings and Queens - Part 1
16-03-2025, 02:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - Loose The Treasure
16-03-2025, 08:00, Touré Roberts
Bill Johnson - Kingdom Come
18-08-2021, 01:00, Bill Johnson
Touré Roberts - Doing What You Got To Do, To Get There