The title of this message is «Strategy in the Storm» because right now is a time for strategy. I promise you there is a strategy; this thing— I feel the Holy Ghost— hear me now: this thing is not out of control. It is unlocking the pervasive power of the Kingdom of God. It is not out of control; I know that everywhere you look, it seems like it is. But it’s not. It’s trying to loosen us; it’s actually breaking some of the controls off of us so that we, the Church, can be the Church. You are part of the Kingdom. Now, there is one last thought that I want you to understand, and I want to pray for you. This is what I want you to grasp about the Holy Spirit. I’m going to do a whole series on the Holy Spirit soon; I did it before, but I’m going to do it again. The Holy Spirit—watch this—the Holy Spirit is the voice of wisdom. When you open your heart to God and receive the Spirit, you’re not just receiving something to make you feel good; you are literally receiving the embodiment of the wisdom of God. I want to show you something in 1 Corinthians chapter 2, and we are going to land this plane. It says, «But as it is written: 'Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.' But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit, for the Spirit searches all things.» The Spirit searches all things; it has access to all information pertaining to you and this world. The Spirit, yes, even searches the deep things of God. Hey, if you’ve opened yourself up to the Lord, that’s in you. It says the Spirit searches all things. Yes, that’s right—the deep things of God. Then he goes on: «For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so, no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.» If we keep reading, verse 12 states, «Now we have received—watch this—believers have received not the spirit of the world.» Right? This is different. I do not receive the spirit of the world because that’s passing; that wisdom is limited. This is the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. Family, this is a time of the Kingdom, and this is a time for wisdom. Divine wisdom is going to guide you; divine wisdom is going to empower you. Hallelujah! Divine wisdom is going to bring creativity and innovation to you. I feel the Holy Spirit. I want to pray. I just hear God saying, «Unstick yourself.» The reason why fear is hitting hard now is that it’s Kingdom time. If the enemy can choke you— I talked about this on my Instagram Live the other day. The Bible says that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Well, fear works in the same way; fear is the substance of what you’re afraid of. So, in other words, some people are afraid to die, and they are going to bring that fear upon themselves if they don’t break it off. Do you know that the mind is powerful? You can emulate symptoms, stress yourself out, and wipe yourself out without having any of those symptoms at all? The enemy is trying to wipe you out because of the gene that’s in you—the God gene, the government of God gene that is on the inside of you. It’s your time; it’s your moment. The wisdom of God’s going to lead you; it’s going to feed you. I sense this: there are Kingdom businesses. Wow! I see something in the spirit, and I want to articulate it as I see it. I see things that have been abandoned that God’s going to give you; these things are of value. This is a prophetic word—just catch it—there are things of value that you’re going to get for pennies on the dollar. Things! Oh, I feel the Lord; this is God! Just receive this as if this is for you. There are things that you are going to receive because fear is at work. Watch this: the enemy is not only trying to make the Church afraid; he is making everybody afraid. People are going to leave things that have value, and it’s going to be yours to build His Kingdom. I feel it, family. These are times unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. Can you imagine if we go back to that parable of the mustard seed? If that mustard seed had a mentality of insignificance, what must it have felt in the beginning? It was so small, planted in a field full of larger trees surrounding it. If it had a mentality, it was probably thinking, «God, what am I among all these things?» But it remained that mustard seed, planted in the right soil. The same God who created the seed is the God who created the soil. The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof. And if God has placed you in this…
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