I believe that one of the sure signs that you have the Holy Spirit is the peace that the Holy Spirit brings to you. Jesus says, right there in that passage—and I think it’s in verse 25— he basically states, «These things I speak to you, that in me you might have peace.» How could you not have peace if you’ve got an advocate? How could you not have peace if you understand that you have an intercessor right now? Even when you don’t know what to pray, the Spirit is praying. The Spirit understands the Father’s will for your life. How could you not have peace when you’ve got a guide in life? You don’t have to worry about tomorrow. That’s why Jesus was talking about this in Matthew 6:34. He says, «Don’t worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow’s going to take care of itself.» What does he mean by that? He means, «I’m going to guide you tomorrow.» Sometimes we don’t sleep at night because we’re trying to figure out the week, the month, the year, and all of that. God is saying, «Get some sleep because I’m not going anywhere.» I know that maybe people have left you or people on whom you relied have abandoned you. However, I hear God saying to someone right now, «I’m not going anywhere.» I feel this prophetically for somebody. I hear God saying to you, «I’m in this for the long haul; I’m in this with you for the distance.» I know that you’ve had relationships break down, but I hear God saying, «I’m in this for you, I’ve got you, and I can handle your drama.» I’m trying to land the plane, but I hear God saying, «I can handle all your stuff; I can handle all your idiosyncrasies—the stuff that no one else can handle. I’ve got you because I know how to pray for you. I know how to intercede for you. I know you; I know God’s will for your life. I know God’s plan for your life. I know how to pray for you.» Let’s be in a relationship. I want to pray for you. In fact, I’d like everyone to stand, if you would. I want to pray for you. I feel so strongly about this. If you are here and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you need to have a relationship with the advocate, the intercessor, you’re here, and I’m not selling you a religion—that’s not my thing—but if you’ve been touched, if you’ve been moved by this word and you know that God is speaking to you, and you say, «I want to receive the advocate, I want to receive the intercessor, I want to receive the one who’s going to guide me. I want to receive the one who will confirm things in my life, who will convict me when I’m wrong. I want to know when I’m wrong.» Here’s the thing: the Holy Spirit is not just the one who convicts of wrong, but the Holy Spirit also makes a way of escape for you. There’s a passage of Scripture you’ve probably heard regarding temptations. In 1 Corinthians 10:13, it essentially says that there’s no temptation that is not common to man, and God is faithful. He makes a way of escape in every temptation. What is the way of escape? It’s the Spirit. If temptation is getting the best of you and you’re tired of it because you know that you take one step forward and two steps back, the Holy Spirit says, «I’ve got you. I will be the way out.» I will convict you, and in that moment of conviction, I will create a path for you to get out of those debilitating situations. So if you’re here and you say, «Pastor, you’re talking to me. I need the Holy Spirit; I need this advocate. I need this help.» We’re going to talk more about this; we’ll be on this series well into July. But if you’re here and you say, «That’s me,» I want you to meet me at the altar. Come on, LA. Come on, Jennifer. I want you to meet me at this altar. I want to pray for you. Something’s going to happen. This is your promise; this is your inheritance. I want this for you so badly. This is everything you’re going to need. You’re going to need a personal advocate; you’re going to need an intercessor. I want you to come. Don’t worry about who’s looking. What am I asking? I’m saying if God is touching you, just open up. That’s how this works. A relationship with the Holy Spirit ultimately leads you to surrender more and more. It is about submitting to the Spirit. Right now, as we discussed last week, the Spirit engages. If you’re touched right now, you’re touched because the Spirit of God is engaging you. All you have to do to get from engagement to entrance is to open up and say yes. That’s all I’m asking; that’s all I want. I’ve been praying for you because I know you need this. The Holy Spirit changed my life.
TD Jakes - Tomorrow Belongs to God
30-07-2022, 16:00, TD Jakes
#681 - Joseph Prince - Fresh Supply For Today's Needs - Part 3
21-07-2023, 22:00, Joseph Prince
Rick Renner - The Peace of God
19-03-2022, 18:30, Rick Renner
Joel Osteen - Peaceful On Purpose
27-03-2021, 16:00, Joel Osteen
#481 - Joseph Prince - Amazing Things Happen When You Flow With The Spirit - Part 1
3-12-2022, 20:00, Joseph Prince
Rick Renner - Shoes of Peace
5-02-2022, 18:00, Rick Renner
David Jeremiah - A Life of Peace
18-10-2020, 14:00, David Jeremiah
Touré Roberts - Recognizing God
17-03-2025, 22:00, Touré Roberts
#451 - Joseph Prince - Follow Jesus And Blessings Follow You - Part 3
3-11-2022, 22:00, Joseph Prince
Rick Warren - How to Be Led by God's Spirit
10-12-2021, 06:00, Rick Warren
Louie Giglio - Sleep in Heavenly Peace
12-08-2021, 07:00, Louie Giglio
Jeff Schreve - The Missing Peace
11-02-2022, 02:53, Jeff Schreve
Touré Roberts - Alignment: The Lifestyle
12-03-2025, 02:00, Touré Roberts
Creflo Dollar - Five Reasons to Pray in Tongues - Part 1
15-04-2021, 07:00, Creflo Dollar
Charles Stanley - Peace On Earth
9-05-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - The Narrow Path To Personal Peace