As we recognize God, that word «knowledge» is significant, especially when it states, «in the knowledge of God.» There are a couple of words used for «knowledge,» two that are prominent in the New Testament. One word is «gnosis,» which we all know, and it literally speaks to actual knowledge. This word is different and primarily refers to recognition. Essentially, what he’s saying is that I am praying, believing, and decreeing that grace—watch this—grace is divine enablement. Grace is the ability that transcends you. I feel the Lord; it’s power. You know, when Zechariah says, «Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,» something is going to happen; he’s talking about grace. If you keep reading in that chapter, he states that you’re going to finish and bring forth the capstone with shouts of «grace, grace to it.» So, what I believe he is saying is that peace is going to be multiplied, and grace—power and might greater than your own—is going to be multiplied in your life once you recognize God. I feel the Lord; see, sometimes that’s what happens: we fail to recognize God. We fail to see God, and when we cannot recognize God, our peace slips away. You can’t let your losses; I know it’s difficult, and losses shake all of us, but you can’t let your loss, your disappointment, or your setback keep you from recognizing God. Do me a favor; put it in the feed right now: You better recognize! You better recognize that God is still God. No pandemic can shake God, and what God has for you is for you. I feel the spirit of the risen Savior in here. The church—we, unfortunately, and not just the church but the world—have been in this very defensive position, and we’ve forgotten who we are. Most importantly, we’ve forgotten whose we are. I want you to know that He is the Alpha and Omega; He is the author and finisher of our faith. The only thing that was never quarantined while we were all quarantined was God: the Word of God, the grace of God, the favor of God. God has been keeping you; God has been sustaining you; God has been blessing you. He has been bringing you through; He has been bringing you out. And for as many difficult and challenging things that have taken place in our world, miracles have still been flowing, breakthroughs have still been occurring, and blessings have still been overflowing. If you know that God is God no matter what, just put it in the feed right there: God is God! Come on, God is God! God is God! And when we recognize, when we recognize God, there is going to be a multiplication of peace. I feel the spirit of God; I speak and decree over you right now. You haven’t seen God in a long time because you thought that God was only in your good times. I’m here to declare to you that God is in your good times, that God is in your tough times, that God is in your mountaintop moments, and that God is with you in your low moments. Yay! Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. Why? Because God is with me. Put it right there in the feed: God is with me; He’s with me; He’s with me. You better recognize it! When you recognize it—and I know sometimes it gets difficult, and sometimes you wonder how God could be with you if you’re struggling like this—I understand that. I’m not being insensitive, but as the old folks used to say, you will understand it better by and by. Keep on looking to God. God, I pray right now, in the name of Jesus, that everybody watching me and everyone listening to me right now would receive a fresh dose of recognizing who you are. Hallelujah! When you recognize, your peace is going to return, and not just your peace, but His grace. Hallelujah! Divine enablement, supernatural resources, supernatural power—are you tracking with me? Let’s keep going. I want to take this verse by verse. I’m not going to preach; I’m just going to teach. In verse 3, it says He’s breaking it down, as we’re going to find out who we are, what we have, how we get it, how we keep it, and how we expand it. He’s breaking down these verses, and so Peter goes on to say, as God’s divine power has given to us all things—watch this! —not that it is going to give to us; that’s not what it is. He says, «has given to us,» has given to us all things—everything, everything! It’s already done! Come on, one house worship! It’s already done! Has given to us all things—what things? —that pertain to life and godliness. Watch this—through the knowledge of Him who has called us by glory and virtue. He’s saying, recognize again; that word right there is still «recognize.» So, family, what you first have to understand is what He is saying. What He is saying is that we have received something. I feel God; we have received something. Right now, you have something. I feel the Holy Ghost! You’re sitting around saying, «God, give me, ” and I promise you God is saying, „I’ve already given it to you, ” and at the right time, if you can recognize Me properly, it’s going to be manifested in your life. He’s saying, He’s saying, He’s saying…
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