Let’s go back to Second Peter, Chapter 1, and I’m going to zoom through this. We’re going to look at verses 2 to 11. Last week, we began a discussion about destiny gears, and as I alluded to earlier today, if you were here after worship, I really believe there are things in you. Oftentimes, it’s not that God has to give you something; it’s that God has to activate what He’s already given you. A lot of times, that activation is an activation of your mind. It’s almost like these things are there, but if we don’t know they’re there, if we cannot recognize that they’re there, then we can’t utilize them. It’s like when you buy a car and later find out two or three years later that it has a feature you didn’t know anything about. You know what I mean? Sometimes our lives are like that. I just want to read this; it’s a lot, but we’re going to get down to eight things. I talked about destiny gears, and these things I believe need to be under the hood of every person’s life. When I say «under the hood,» when we look at cars, we see they are nice and shiny, but what moves me about a car is not what it is on the outside but what it is on the inside. I like power; does anyone like power? I like power, right? So please don’t give me a little cute car. When I get in, I want to feel it. My wife is saying yes, yes, yes! Okay, so anyway, when I speak about destiny gears, I’m talking about what’s underneath—what’s under the hood of your life. I believe that what’s under the hood will determine where you go. We’re going to see eight things here, and I’m going to run through them quickly. We’ll see eight things that the text—the writer of the text is Peter, who has been up and down, all over with the Lord. He didn’t stop where he started well; he faltered and then finished amazingly. He knows this thing called life and knows the ins and outs of it. He was once overly religious; he went through all of it and then came around. I believe he’s qualified to speak to us, so we’re just going to dive into it. Peter says, «Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge.» That word literally means recognition. «Grace and peace be multiplied to you in your ability to recognize them, to the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.» This is important; I’ll just touch on it really quickly because in life, knowing God is about your ability to recognize God—recognize when God is in something, recognize when God is not in something, recognize when God is moving you to the right, and recognize when God is moving you to the left. Then he goes specifically about Jesus, and I think the reason why he does that is that let me break it down for you: Jesus literally was God humbling Himself. I don’t mean «dumbing down»; I mean packaging Himself in a way that anybody could understand, even a little baby singing, «Oh, how I love Jesus.» They have encounters with Jesus, right? So what you need to understand about Jesus is that God basically put a face on Himself. He wanted to show you what you and I should look like. I want you to be able to recognize not only God as the omnipotent, omniscient God but also Jesus because you’re going to be able to identify personally more with Jesus than with the sovereign, the Almighty, the unlimited God who was before the beginning of time. Are we tracking together? So he’s praying; he’s saying, «Listen, above all, I want you to grow. Grace and peace be multiplied in your ability to recognize God and Jesus.» Right? Let’s keep going. He says, «As His divine power, God’s divine power has given us all things.» Notice he says «has given to us.» There are things that you and I possess; we just don’t know we possess them. That’s why he’s praying that you would recognize, right? God has already given to us; He’s not going to give but has given to us. I feel something on that—I’m trying to move on, but I feel something. I want you to really get this point: I’m not waiting on God; God is waiting on me to recognize what I have. Most of us don’t see ourselves correctly; we don’t understand. A poverty mindset is one that says, «I don’t have» or «I’m afraid that I might not have.» I know this relates to finances as well; rich people can have poverty mindsets. It’s a negative perspective, saying that I’m coming into the game without something. Those who have an abundance mindset, a Christ-centered mindset, say, «I may not have it physically, but it is in me, and I need to pursue God to understand how to manifest in the physical what I possess in the ether.» Oh, all right! So, as His divine power has given to us all things, look at this: that pertain to life and godliness. I love the way God makes that distinction because, a lot of times, as I talked about last week, we are very spiritual, and we feel like our connection with God is really good for spiritual things, but…
Touré Roberts - Destiny Gears - Part 3
13-03-2025, 02:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - Destiny Gears - Part 1
13-03-2025, 00:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - Getting Back to Love - Week 2
14-03-2025, 04:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - Destiny Lessons
13-03-2025, 03:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - Walking with God
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Touré Roberts - Loose The Treasure
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Touré Roberts - God Wants to Choose You
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Touré Roberts - The Costs and Rewards of Purpose
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Touré Roberts - I AM
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Touré Roberts - Whose Son Are You?
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Touré Roberts - Putting Away Childish Things
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Touré Roberts - Rules of Engagement
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Touré Roberts - Protecting The Mind
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Touré Roberts - Stay Hot
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Touré Roberts - A Season of Re-creation
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Touré Roberts - Getting Back to Love - Week 6
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Touré Roberts - Getting Back to Center
14-03-2025, 02:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - Prayer, The Forgotten Advantage - Part 2