Success is when you learn to allow God to have His way in your life. Are you tracking with me? That’s how you become successful. Success lies in your ability to yield to God. It seems easy, but it’s hard because we have plans, thoughts, ideas, and dreams—and you know what? We are special, and all those things are true. But I’m telling you how to be successful. It says if you humble yourself before the Lord, He will lift you up. Does anyone want to be lifted up by God? I don’t want God to lift me up because if God lifts me up, there’s no man that can bring me down. Hello, somebody! If I have to kiss up to someone in this life, I want it to be not for worldly gain. Hello, somebody! I’m talking about success—learning how to yield to God, the one who says, «For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope.» This is God’s testimony to you: trust in My plan. It’s awesome! Trust My plan; it’s flawless and incredible. That’s what we’re going to move into tonight.
God’s hand has been on me strongly this week—really heavy. Has anybody ever felt the hand of God? In fact, I know the hand of God is on many of you right now, even if you don’t know why. You might feel like you need to rediscover yourself. To my destiny people, have you ever been here? You feel like you’re in this season of rediscovery. I’m going to tell you why. You may not have known this if you don’t follow the biblical calendar, but we are in the season of Rosh Hashanah—yes, the biblical New Year! It started last night.
It’s interesting. For the past six or seven years, I have sensed God desiring to do something new. You can’t explain it; you just know it. The spots where you were so comfortable going to receive from God have dried up; you go there and can’t get anything anymore. You used to walk in and be doused in Holy Ghost water, but now all you get are drops. Your mouth is dry in the spirit, and it’s designed to make you thirsty again. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. When God is purposing to refresh you and renew you, He will allow—if you read your Bible enough, you’ll understand—He will allow the brook to dry up.
For those of you who don’t read your Bible enough, that’s okay. Elijah the Prophet was being sustained by a brook of water, and I feel the Spirit of the Living God in this house right now! He was sustained by this brook of water, but the brook dried up. It’s amazing—the brook dried up to get him to move from where he was to another place where the next dimension of his destiny awaited. Here’s the thing, family: we get too comfortable in the spirit. I know that if I do two snaps, say a prayer, and put on this worship song, I’ll find the presence of God.
So, the presence of God gets reduced down to a formula. Can I talk to you like this tonight? We have this formula for accessing the presence of God, and when you get that formula going, it becomes easier to fall back into sin. You start to think, «I don’t really have to worry about staying away from that, because all I have to do is pick my heels three times and I’ll be back in spiritual highs.» Hello, somebody! When the presence of God becomes a science, you’re in trouble. God should always be a mystery—the heat that you hunger and thirst for, the One you have to seek out a little bit. Anytime the presence is discovered by your scientific rhythm, what you don’t even realize is that you’re not connected.
It’s the pursuit of God that keeps you connected to God. It’s the mystery daily. So, what God will do is allow the brook to dry up. Some of you didn’t know—we’re in Rosh Hashanah.
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Touré Roberts - Doing What You Got To Do, To Get There
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