I know this is the year of becoming. The year of becoming; it’s the year of becoming. You are becoming; that’s what alignment is for. Before I formed you in your mother’s womb, I knew you, for I know the plans that I have for you—plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future. What is the future? The future is just catching up with what God knew. You have sown a lot of seeds. I was speaking specifically, and I’m speaking broadly, so just catch it. But you, sir, know. Let me just say this: I really think it’s a word for you. You’ve sown a lot of seeds; your heart is pure. You have an awesome heart, and you’re fighting for the nation from which you’ve come. You haven’t allowed your success to strip that; you’ve stayed low to the ground, and you work hard. It’s your time, man, unlike ever before. It’s your season. All of it was happening on the inside; you’re going to see it manifest on the outside. I will give God the glory.
Now here’s the last thing I’m going to say about becoming, and this is important. This is why I believe wholeness really is a critical tool for you in this season. What alignment does is it also exposes those things that you can’t see because they hide in your blind spots. But when you get in alignment, all of a sudden, giants show up. Can I just give you a little bit of homework? We’re going to pray, and then we’re going to bring in the new year in praise. When you get in alignment again, the things that were hidden in your blind spots will suddenly pop up; sometimes they can be scary. There are going to be giants that you’ll have to deal with; I’m talking about inner giants. Get in alignment now because it’s all about becoming. Hallelujah! You have to be committed not just to having, not just to getting, and not just to acquiring, but to becoming. Wholeness is going to be everything this year.
Sometimes you can’t even see what’s wrong until you get the wrong things out of the way. Sometimes the right thing will come into your life, and that right thing coming into your life will reveal everything that’s wrong with you. Does God talk to you like that for a second? Are you tracking with me? If you are not careful, you will run from the challenge that was designed to manifest who you are. Are you tracking with me? You’ll run from the wrestling match that was designed to manifest who God has called you to be. So yes, you’re in alignment, and when you get in alignment, you’ll begin to attract the right things to you, right?
Because you are you, you’re in that space where you win. But it will expose certain things. There are only certain right situations that will expose things with which you would be comfortable. Because in order to maintain right, you’ve got to be right. Are you tracking with me? Some blessings God will send into your life, and you know they are blessings, but they will challenge you to grow. You have to stand up to it and let the Holy Spirit do whatever work He’s going to do in you. You have to wrestle against that part of you because that blessing brought into your life was designed to challenge you. It might challenge you with issues that stem back from your childhood because alignment brings about exposure.
And exposure is not to destroy you; this exposure is designed to cause you to become what God saw so you can walk into the future that God has ordained. Are you tracking with me? So we’re going to pray tonight. I’ll reiterate that the season you’re in is the Psalm 1 and 3 season. This is the year of becoming. Just a few closing thoughts, a few summarizing thoughts: there are shifts, changes, and repositioning that God has done, and it’s Him. You’re going to have to be cool with letting it happen. I sense things walking away from you, whether it’s a relationship, or whether life just turned in such a way that the things you used to enjoy aren’t there anymore. There is a part of you that wants to go after it, but again, as I mentioned earlier, there’s a part of you that realizes, «No, that separation was holy. That shift was holy.»
What I want you to do is come to terms with the fact that it was God for the sake of alignment, and say goodbye to it. Have a funeral for it, mourn it, and move on because God has something better in front of you. It is not behind you; it is in front of you. Just say goodbye. Some have literally been entertaining relationships that, if you are honest, you know are only sucking from you and not feeding you. You know, my daughter’s preaching—it’s the craziest thing. I think that’s my daughter! That is my daughter preaching! Wow, okay! And you want to take, you want the show, but here you may as well come. No, come preach with me as I’m closing. Come on, somebody. And I want you to be okay with it. I want it to be well with your soul; I don’t want you to run back.
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