I want to talk today about how greatness happens, and this is the passage that we looked at. I encourage you to go back and read it from top to bottom on your own, and then maybe even revisit some of those stories for the full account of how God brought these people into prominence, blessing, and increase. You can study it when you get a chance, but this chapter, Hebrews chapter 11, is known as a book that highlights what we call the heroes of faith. There were those who ultimately trusted in God against all odds, and God did incredible things in their lives. It’s amazing! What’s interesting is that the person writing this, many theologians believe it was the Apostle Paul, doesn’t even realize he is placing himself in the same company of believers. I believe there are some people here right now, and I want to help you understand greatness because you’re on the cusp of it. The concept of greatness is oftentimes elusive because we have been misinformed about what greatness truly is, sometimes even by popular culture. When I say greatness, I am not talking about greatness that is popular one day and forgotten the next; you know what I’m talking about. Here, in our culture and world, we call people great, and then in six months, we don’t even see them anymore. I’m not talking about that fickle greatness; I am referring to greatness that comes from following God, trusting in God, finding your purpose in God, and believing in God. All of a sudden, you find yourself doing things like parting the Red Sea when you thought you were just a stutterer. I’m talking about Moses! Are you tracking with me? I’m talking about greatness that lifts people from obscurity; they had nothing but received a word from God. They heard God’s call on their lives and thought they had nothing, but that call was designed to lead them to greatness. Let me say something really quickly: the call of God is an invitation to greatness, and all of you are here right now because God has called you in some way or another. You wouldn’t be here in sunny Southern California on a Sunday afternoon if the hand of God was not on your life. The reason the hand of God is on your life is that He has purposed to do great things both in and through you. Are you tracking with me? You haven’t seen anything yet; God is just getting started with you! I need to slow down because I’m getting excited and happy. So, there are a couple of things I want you to understand about greatness, and first of all, it is not sinful for a believer to desire to be great. Sometimes we have this false humility—“Oh no, all glory to God!» That’s wonderful; of course, all glory goes to God. But Jesus said things like, «And greater things you will do.» He engages Abraham and tells him, «I’m going to make your name great.» That’s what He promised Abraham in Genesis chapter 12. He said, «Abraham, get out of your father’s house and out of your country, and I’m going to bless you. I’m going to make your name great, and you are going to be a blessing.» Why does God want to make your name great? Because if God makes your name great, and you are rooted in God, He will lift you up because He knows that you will lift Him up. He wants to get the glory out of your life. God is looking for people He can call, bless, increase, prosper, and do great things with so that He can receive the glory. God is not intimidated by your greatness. God is not an insecure God. He doesn’t say, «If I make your name great, that’s going to take credit away from Me.» No, no, God is God; there is no higher. He is the Great I Am; He is completely complete. Insecurity is not God’s issue; that’s our issue. He does want to make your name great so that you can represent Him and bring others to Him. Your portion is greatness! Do me a favor: turn to your neighbor and say, «My portion is greatness!» Come on, tell them, «My portion is greatness!» And while you’re at it, tell them, «And your portion is greatness!» Yeah, hallelujah! It’s important for us to understand that the call of God on our lives is an invitation to greatness, and I’m talking about lasting, enduring greatness. Can’t you hear David writing in Psalm chapter 1, verse 3, where he talks about this person who walks with Him? «He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf will not wither, and whatever he does will prosper.» Now, I want to discuss a couple of things: I want to talk about these two dynamics that establish greatness. These two dynamics are capacity and output. What do I mean by capacity? I mean what you can hold, hallelujah! What you can stand, what you can withstand, and what you can relate to. It seems very interesting that when God calls us, He is calling us.
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Kenneth Copeland - The Greatness of Jesus' Name
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Joel Osteen - Scared Into Greatness
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Kenneth Copeland - The Name of Greatness Is Ours
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Charles Stanley - God's Greatness, A Source of Comfort
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Kenneth Copeland - You Can Live In the Greatness of His Power
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Benny Hinn - The Exceeding Greatness of His Power Toward You
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Joel Osteen - Discover Your Greatness
21-06-2021, 07:00, Joel Osteen
Sid Roth - You Are Qualified for Greatness with Pat Schatzline
23-02-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Charles Stanley - The Greatness of God
1-02-2023, 16:00, Charles Stanley
Joel Osteen - Programmed for Greatness
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Touré Roberts - The Consciousness of Covenant
Today, 04:00, Touré Roberts
TD Jakes - Greatness Produces Its Own Pain
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Touré Roberts - The Gift - Part 1
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Jerry Savelle - Marvels, Wonders and Extraordinary Manifestations of the Greatness of God - Part 3