I just want to quickly draw your attention to Joshua chapter 9, and we’re going to look at the first two verses. I’m going to encourage you to read chapters 9, 10, and 11 all the way through to Revelation, and then go back to Genesis to catch up. This book, in particular, is an incredible work and contains truths that help us understand what God has in store for us and what He will do in the life of someone who is sold out for Him. Do you know people who are sold out? You might say, «I’m sold out,» while others might be wondering if they, too, are selling out. I understand that. But I’m telling you, the relationship Joshua had with God and how he was able to access God’s power in unprecedented ways is just mind-blowing. So, you need to study it; it’s amazing!
However, I wanted to zoom in on these first two verses. We’ll talk about it a little bit, pray, and then we’ll be done. It says: «And it came to pass, when all the kings who were on this side of the Jordan in the hills, in the lowland, and in all the coasts of the Great Sea toward Lebanon—the Hittite, the Amorite, the Canaanite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite—heard about it» (mhm), «that they gathered together to fight with Joshua and Israel with one accord.» I’ll stop right there.
All of the kings of the land that God was giving to Joshua and his people, when they heard it—when they truly heard it—they perceived it, felt the sound of it, and sensed the river of doom. When they heard the sound of Joshua and his army marching in to dispossess them, to take territory, to be all that God had called them to be, and to lay hold of all that had been assigned to them, they gathered themselves together in one accord. These were kings who often had conflicts among themselves! Oh, I feel the Lord! But because of Joshua, and because of who was with him, and what was on him, and because by now it was obvious that he was unstoppable, all of a sudden every king assembled themselves together and made a pact against Joshua to confront him. That had to have been unpleasant!
I don’t care how much faith you have, or how many times you have seen God bring you out; it is not a good day when all of your enemies roll up on you. And I’m not talking about one by one, taking turns. I’m talking about in one week, this comes against you, that comes against you, this falls apart, this relationship dies, this financial difficulty arises, and this opportunity seems to be in jeopardy. Has anyone ever been there before, where you are troubled on every side? And you thought you were on the brink of your blessing because all the prophetic words you heard said you were moving into the next dimension. Who can I talk to, a couple of people in need today? All the recent prophetic words said, «It’s your time!» Trying to hold onto hope, every prophetic word you heard proclaimed, «It’s your season!"—2017 is the year of this and that mountain—and you’re thinking, «Yes, yes!» Then suddenly, all hell breaks loose, and your enemies surround you, making it look like you are outnumbered.
Have you ever been in a season where it seemed that difficulty outnumbered blessing in your life, a time when you were supposed to be overtaken by blessings? Then, the preacher tries to encourage you with the best intentions and says, «That’s because you’re getting ready to break through!» You agree, saying, «Yes, yes, yes!» not realizing that he’s actually wrong. Trouble does not come when you’re getting ready to break through; it comes when you have broken through. Are you tracking with me? I came here to tell somebody tonight that the reason things have turned up is that you have stepped into it—you’re in the promised land! You’re here! It’s not something that’s going to happen; you are in it! This is what it looks like: it looks like difficulty, it looks like struggle, it looks like war. Why? Because you are in the enemy’s camp!
You are in his territory, claiming the promise, and he hears you! He wasn’t on the other side of the Jordan; he was on this side! Some of you think you are in the wilderness, but you’re not there anymore. I feel God! You are in the promised land, and that’s why all hell is breaking loose in your life. You are there, you are appointed; you’re in it! I feel the Lord; you’re in the space of the promise! You don’t need any breakthroughs; you’ve already broken through! That’s why it’s so difficult, why there’s so much opposition—you are in the enemy’s camp, and he is afraid! So much so that he knows you don’t call for help against something that’s not greater than you! Oh, I feel the Lord! You are in it!
That story—you need to study it! It unfolds some interesting things. First of all, right after it says that, the narrative takes a strange turn and begins to talk about how the Gibeonites, who were inhabitants of the land that Joshua was supposed to dispossess, ultimately schemed.
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