God wants to innovate and create through you. Hallelujah! You are more than you think. I’m telling you, you are so much more than you realize. That’s why we need to get filled and stay filled, because maybe, just maybe, we will gain insight into who we are and begin to move not according to who we thought we were, but according to who we now know we are. Hallelujah! It is what it is; it is what it is. I’m sorry, but if it weren’t true, I wouldn’t preach it. It is what it is. You are going to have to settle within your spirit; you just have to get it once and for all and no longer vacillate back and forth about who you are. The Apostle Paul said this: «By the grace of God, I am what I am.» I feel the Lord! He stopped apologizing for being chosen; he stopped apologizing for being special; he stopped apologizing for being anointed. I hate that God stays hidden; stop dimming your light! Stop apologizing! Where are you going tonight? I’m going down to the theater on the break. No! I’m going to the house of the great I AM, and I’m about to receive a blessing! I’m about to get filled with the Holy Spirit! You want the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit will make you bold; the Holy Spirit will make you care less. Some of you care too much about things that don’t matter. You care too much about what others think of you. Your excessive caring is compromising your identity. And watch this: there is transformation capability connected to your authenticity. Let me break that down: there is transformation capability connected to your authenticity. So, you’re trying to hide yourself when, if you would just come out of the closet spiritually, you would find yourself in the closet full of the Holy Ghost. I feel this for some of you: you think your light will hurt you, but if you let your light shine, it will help you in a way you’ve never experienced before, nor can you be helped in any other way. And here’s why: as I mentioned, the Holy Spirit is God, and God does not have favorites. We talked about this on Sunday; God is favor! So, when you are full of the Holy Spirit, the reason you must come out of the closet is so that the favor assigned to God can be assigned to you. Oh, I wish you would catch what I just said! Some of you, family, are getting ready for a breakthrough; it’s actually already started for some of you, and you already know it. Doors that were sealed shut, completely sealed, will open because you got filled with the Holy Spirit. Receive it! Trust it! Walk up to the door, and it will open. It is the God factor! Being filled with the Holy Spirit makes you read the scriptures about Jesus differently. What if the scriptures about Jesus are there yes, to teach you about Him, but what if they’re really there to teach you about you? Are you not ready? What if they are there to teach you what to expect when you are filled? Does that sound crazy? It’s not at all! Almost immediately, Jesus calls His disciples. Almost immediately, He tells them to go do what He did. Just study when you get a chance; almost immediately, He says, «Now I need you to go out there; I need you to heal the sick. I need you to cast out devils. I need you to preach the kingdom. I need you to raise the dead. I need you to cleanse the lepers.» He told them to do the very things that He was doing while He was with them. So, what if what looked like discipleship was really mentorship? What if Jesus is not simply the only begotten Son, but, as Paul said in Romans 8, He is the firstborn Son? What if I’m not talking about the cross and the remission of sins? I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about Him becoming our Savior; I’m talking about the life of Jesus. What if the life of Jesus was meant to point us to our own life in Him? I want to talk to you a little bit tonight; I want to prophesy. You can sit down if you want. More than anything, I want us to value the gift of being filled. I want us to understand that it is our portion; it’s not just for them, it’s for us. We were created to be filled, so I want us to grasp what that is, to value it, to desire it, and to understand what happens when you get filled. You become bold! When you get filled, you know what interesting thing happens? Also, when you get filled with Jesus, you receive the faith of Jesus. You’re not ready! Your homework for the rest of your life is the book of Acts. When you study it, when you get a chance, remember Acts chapter 3? You remember when Peter and John were out there in front of the gate of the temple called Beautiful? There was a lame man outside, and they healed him.
Touré Roberts - Mindful Relationships
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Touré Roberts - Resist
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Touré Roberts - A Season of Re-creation
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Touré Roberts - Getting Back to Love - Week 1
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Touré Roberts - Precision, Power, and Progress
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Touré Roberts - It's Time to Move
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Touré Roberts - Infinite Increase
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Touré Roberts - The Anointing - Part 1
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Steven Furtick - Why You Stopped Trusting People
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Touré Roberts - The Anointing - Part 2
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Touré Roberts - Getting Back to Center
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Craig Groeschel - Filled With The Spirit
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Touré Roberts - Back to Reality
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Amir Tsarfati - Can You Hate Others and Be Spirit Filled?