I think I mentioned last week that I’ve been really pressed by God. I felt compelled by God to start walking through the Bible again from the very beginning, as if I were a fool—in other words, not approaching it saying I know exactly what it says but truly coming to it empty so that I can be filled by it. The God who is inexhaustible, right? The God who is infinite can just pour into me fresh insight and wisdom. It has been an amazing experience! I mean, God is just showing me some incredible things. I can’t even get past Genesis—like, seriously! I’ve been stuck on Genesis 1, the first chapter, and I can’t move on because it’s so rich. His word is spirit, and any time you approach the word, you have to do so spiritually. I don’t know who this is for, but I think a few of you are joining me on this journey; if you’ve caught it and are starting to do it too, just let me know because I have a few mentees. Okay, I was going to say, «Come on, somebody!» But the word is so rich, and when you approach it spiritually and with an openness, God begins to show you incredible things—things that your mind could not fathom. That’s the problem often faced when approaching Scripture: we use our finite minds, which limit us. Because of this, God often struggles to speak to us when we approach it filled with our perceptions. But when you open yourself up and say, «God, you are infinite, you are The Great I Am; show me wonderful things from your word, ” He does, and that’s what has been happening to me. So today, I want to talk to you from Genesis. We’re going to look at Genesis 1:26 and continue through Genesis 2, verse 3. We will flow together as we discuss this theme: infinite increase. Infinite increase! Does anyone need infinite increase? Hello! Oh, I feel the Holy Spirit of God in here! Infinite increase is what you are called to—hello, somebody! So let’s look at that. Let’s go to Genesis 1:26. I am understanding more and more about God, how He works, and what He has purposed and planned for us. If we grasp this, we could align ourselves in such a way that every intention God has for us will be realized. So let’s take a look. We know the story of creation; we touched on it a bit last week. If you weren’t here last week, I highly encourage you to get that message called „The Creation: The Formation.“ It’s on YouTube and on the podcast—get it or change your life! I think there’s something in this message for you as well. This is after God has created the heavens and the earth. He has created everything except man, and here He begins to create man. It says, „Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.’“ We’ll keep flowing here. It says, „And God created man in His own image.“ That’s important. God created man in His own image, His own likeness, right? So God created man in His own image—in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Verse 28 says, „Then God blessed them.“ Say, „God blessed them!“ God blessed them, and God said to them—this is important; we’ll come back to it—“God blessed them and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; bear fruit and increase.’» That word «multiply» literally means «increase.» Increase! So bear fruit and increase. What He doesn’t say there is to stop increasing. I’m getting ahead of myself—sorry. Okay, then God blessed them and God said to them, «Be fruitful and multiply.» I hear God speaking to you! I think as these words are being said to you, something is stirring in you, something is being imparted into you. There are some people in here, and you think you are barren; you think you are stagnant; you think you cannot produce anything. You might believe you are past the age of bearing fruit, but I hear God saying, «Be fruitful and multiply! I’ve placed something inside of you that still has the power to grow and increase.» God is saying, «I’m going to bring restoration to you. I know you think your best days are behind you, but I hear God saying, ‘Your greatest days are ahead of you. You haven’t even begun to increase and multiply yet because there are some things you don’t understand yet.’» Just tell your neighbor, «You don’t even know who you are yet.» I know, I know you hate when preachers do this, but just say it one more time: «Be fruitful and multiply. Be fruitful and multiply.» Okay, I get it; I also hate it when they do that. I usually disobey it; I never do it when they say to turn to your neighbor. Some of you know what I mean!
Touré Roberts - Subdue It
18-03-2025, 22:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - Pressed, but Not Crushed
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Touré Roberts - It's Time to Move
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Toure Roberts - Build for the Flood
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Touré Roberts - Prayer, The Forgotten Advantage - Part 2
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Touré Roberts - Modern Church
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Touré Roberts - Gifts of The Spirit - Part 2
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Touré Roberts - Bridges and Breakthroughs
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Toure Roberts - Get with the Flow
Yesterday, 02:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - Prayer, The Forgotten Advantage - Part 4
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Touré Roberts - Walking with God
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Toure Roberts - Stay In the Groove
Today, 00:00, Touré Roberts
Touré Roberts - Just a Little Time
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Touré Roberts - Getting Back to Love - Week 2
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Touré Roberts - The Gift - Part 3
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Touré Roberts - Sexual Wholeness
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Touré Roberts - The God of Opportunities
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Touré Roberts - His Role, Her Movement, Our Reward