God, we’re on the cusp of something absolutely incredible, and we know it; we can feel it. You’re doing something in us as we move toward Good Friday and make our way to Easter Resurrection Sunday. We feel like you’re doing something powerful and transformational in us—new fire, new glory, new grace. You’re creating a new thing. Wow! Prophetically, your current surroundings are not even large enough to contain the multiplication that’s coming into your life—the multiplication of influence and just the multiplication of you. There are things that will no longer fit you; you need more space, more room, more. That’s why you have to crucify your flesh, because your flesh tries to contain your spirit, and you have to keep killing your flesh so that your spirit is not restricted. Come on! Jesus had to destroy one body because what was in Him was too big for the body that was on Him. What is in you is too big for the surroundings that are on you. That’s why you can’t get too attached to your surroundings. Yes, family and friends, it is scary and lonely. Listen, your surroundings are like a covering; they encompass you. The wider you become, the more your surroundings change, because they can no longer contain you. Think about it: your surroundings surround you, which means you can be contained within them. Well, what happens when God increases you? Your surroundings have to change. Sometimes, we sacrifice our increase to maintain a surrounding. I just sense, family, that I’m trying—I’m past time, and everything is all messed up right now—but what I was telling my wife is that God wants to do something. There’s a breakout that needs to happen, you know? Just something that God wants to bring forth, and He’s not going to do it alone. What I saw more than anything was you pressing into it. He’s not going to do it by Himself; He’s already vast; He doesn’t need to change the surroundings. It’s you. You have to be sensitive enough and connected instinctively—yes, I think I made up a word, but it’s cool. Did I say it right? Instinctively. Thank you! You have to be connected on the inside with those unspoken, unlearned instincts to move. I don’t think this loud voice from Heaven will come down and say you need to change this or that. I think that instinctively, you will just move, and you’ll trust the environment to be right when you get there. Do you understand what I’m saying? It’s like what God told Abraham in Genesis: He said, «Get out of your father’s house, out of your country, and away from your family,» and then He said, «To a land that I will show you.» Look at the gap. Here’s the gap: family, country, environment—family, country, environment. Get out. Boom! Get out! Leave this to a land that I will show you. So there’s a gap—leave! Boom! There’s a gap between where you left and where you’re headed. You have to be comfortable in that gap. That gap can be lonely; it can be scary. But God is with you in that gap. He’s with you! The reality is that you need that gap so that some of your family stuff, and some of your country stuff, and some of your past stuff can leave you before you get to where God is taking you. Are you hearing me? Something beautiful happens in the gap. We want—okay, God, if I’m going to leave this, then let me step instantly into the land that you will show me. God’s like, «Mm.» Because the reality is it takes you longer to leave than you think. You might leave it, but it doesn’t leave you. You can’t take it into where He’s taking you, or you will contaminate it with what was. So you have to walk out of it, and then walk it out of you in the gap. It’s in the gap where it’s scary, where it’s lonely, where it’s costly. Listen! Everything in the gap costs faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. So everything in the gap is expensive. Over here, you didn’t need any faith; you see everything, and you know everything. But in the gap, everything you acquire, you acquire by faith—everything! And here’s the truth: let me tell you the truth about the gap. I know this gap; I’ve known it all my life. Since I began walking with God, it’s been all about the gap. And honestly, the best place is the gap. I’m not going to lie; it’s not the most comfortable place, it’s not the most peaceful place, but as it relates to who I am, when I’m really looking more like God and am closely connected to Him—honestly, if I’m going to tell the truth, the real truth is that it’s not in the promised land. Even though I love the promised land and can enjoy it, it’s amazing there!
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