Tonight is special, and I could say that any time we come together, but I mean it for specific reasons. I know I’ve been walking with God long enough to recognize when He is up to something unique. God is doing something extraordinary in your hearts and in your spirits, and I’m just glad you made it. Do me a favor and turn to your neighbors and say, «I’m glad you made it tonight.» I’m glad you made it. I’m glad you made it. I’m glad you made it. I’m glad I’m glad you made it. I’m glad you made it, and you who are watching via livestream, I’m glad you made it. Hallelujah! I’ve been excited about tonight for a few days because I’ve felt the Spirit of God stirring.
You know, in one of the messages on Sunday, I talked about the difference between inspiration and transformation. I mentioned how you can receive inspiration and it can become like a drug. You can come to church, feel inspired, but not changed. As a result, when that happens, you have to keep coming back to get inspired again. It’s almost like getting high; then, as you move on a little bit, your buzz wears off. I was committed not to just provide inspiration but to offer what the Lord calls us to: transformation. Does anyone want to be changed for real? My destiny requires a transformation. Hello, somebody! I want to be changed for real because as I think, so I will be. This transformation takes place by the renewing of our minds.
While I was praying about tonight, I felt that God has been stretching me, and the cool part about God stretching me is that it means He will stretch you too. Come on, somebody! You want a pastor who is continually stretched by God because as your pastor is stretched, you get stretched, which means that you have the privilege of becoming. Hello, somebody! I want to become. I have come to this place in my life, in my understanding of God and destiny and purpose, where I want to become more than anything else. Some of you are in the process of becoming, and you’re lamenting that process, but when God finishes with you, everything around your life will begin to make sense. This becoming brings another level of victory and authority to you.
When your authority shifts and your victory shifts, everything in your life begins to shift. Don’t despise the becoming process! We want the blessing process, right? We want God to bless us, and God says, «I am.» Did you catch that? God sends the blessing in His light. Can’t you feel Him blessing you? Can’t you feel your insides getting stronger? Can’t you feel trouble all around you, but you’re not distressed, you’re not being crushed. You’re getting stronger! I have to bless you inwardly first so then you can bless yourself outwardly. That’s how this works; it’s about becoming.
I was praying, and I said, «Oh God, you’re about to shift something.» I really believe, with all of my heart, that when God is finished with us tonight, we’re going to be in another dimension. I feel the Spirit of God. I’m talking about tonight; I’m not talking about tomorrow. I’m saying that as we are here in His presence, we are going to leave different. We’re going to see things differently; we’re going to have new authority, new victory, and new grace. We’re going to walk differently, see differently, speak differently, expect differently, and move differently.
It’s one of those nights! It’s one of those nights! It’s one of those nights! Come on, Thursday night—it’s one of those nights. You have stumbled into one of those nights. The King of Glory is here, and you made it! Some of you cried this morning, but you’re here. Some of you were feeling down this morning, but you made it. God was saying if you could just hold on a little longer, if you could just get your feet moving. I know your head doesn’t want to go; I know your body doesn’t feel like going. But if you could just get your feet moving, if you could just not be weary in well-doing, if you can just get to the house of God tonight—if you could just make it here tonight! I’m not talking about Sunday; God is going to meet you, we’re going to meet you!
«Be not weary in well-doing, for in due season, you will reap if you don’t give up.» If you don’t give up, you’re going to walk out of here with something. You walked in one way, and you’re going to walk out another way! I feel that! There were some things on the outside that had you, but you’re leaving here today saying, «Not today!» Oh God, I feel it; I’m about to lose it in here right now! There are some things that were on your shoulders that, when you leave here, they’re going to be under your feet. I see it! I see it! It’s going to be under your feet because He’s going to elevate you. I feel the Spirit of God under your feet! You didn’t even know that you were overcoming. You thought you were in the battle, and you weren’t sure.
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