The promise has been declared; we’re rejoicing. We sense it; we sensed it when we walked into the building. God is doing something new and fresh, and He’s up to something. We have prepared ourselves, and some have diligently prepared themselves, while others didn’t realize that God was preparing them through what they were dealing with and facing. Right? So, we have the word; we have the promise. However, just because you have the word and the promise, sometimes something keeps you from experiencing it, and it’s called your conscience. The Holy Spirit indicates that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest while the first Tabernacle was still standing. I want you to study this whole thing; when you get a chance, read the entire Bible and you’ll enjoy it. It says it was symbolic for the present time, in which both gifts and sacrifices were given. They were bringing gifts and making sacrifices at the altar. The gifts and sacrifices are offered, watch this, which cannot make him who performed the service perfect in regard to conscience. So, it’s possible that there could be amazing grace and an amazing eternal inheritance from God—tremendous blessings—but because of a conscience that has not been perfected, which has to do with how you think, how you feel, and what you feel worthy of… hello, somebody! As we’re reading this, we realize that what the writer is highlighting is that one of the things that kept the people in the old Covenant stuck, even though they had the promise, was that they didn’t have a clear conscience in order to access it because something was still yet to come. Are we together? Yes. And then it says, as we keep reading, it only concerns foods, drinks, various washings, and fleshly ordinances imposed until the time of reformation. In other words, something was always coming. It says, but Christ came as high priest of the good things to come. Come on, somebody! Is anyone believing that good things have come and are coming? Oh, I feel God! Come on, somebody! Good things have come; God didn’t keep you alive to make your life worse. Hello, somebody! We go from faith to faith and from glory to glory. He who has begun a good work in you is going to complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. I don’t care what your conscience might be trying to tell you; there’s a word of God over your life. There are promises from Heaven over your life that are irrefutable and irrevocable. It’s on your life; it’s in your future. But the issue we often have is our conscience. Thank you. So, I brought the sacrifices, I brought these gifts to the altar, and I felt better, but my conscience wasn’t completely clear; it could not perfect me in regard to my conscience. My conscience is how I think, and it determines what I expect, and what I expect, I get. Anything I do not expect, I disqualify myself as unworthy, and I leave on the table what God has ordained for me. I leave on the table what Jesus Christ has already paid the price for. He prepares a table for me, even in the presence of my enemies, but my conscience prohibits me from seeing it, let alone seizing it. So, we’ve got to deal with this conscience. It says, but Christ came as high priest of the good things to come, with the greater and more perfect Tabernacle, not made with hands—something that cannot be shaken, something that your foolishness cannot destroy. Come on, somebody! We might tear up our own Tabernacles, but I’m glad that the promises of God over my life were not built by my own hands and therefore are not subject to be taken by my own hands. Come on, somebody! See, my promises exist and emanate from a realm where thieves cannot break in and steal, where economies cannot affect. That’s why every word that God speaks to you, you can take to the bank. Because it is not predicated by earthly circumstances, you can take it to the bank. I’m listening to Hillsong United’s latest album; there’s a song called «Say a Word.» Just say a word. Just say a word. Just say a word. So, I’m not restricted and limited by what my own hands can produce or what this Earthly realm can offer. Just say a word! Because Your word comes from a place where it already is and can’t be shaken. Right? But Christ came as high priest of the good things to come, with the greater and more perfect Tabernacle—not made with hands, that is not of this creation—not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place. Remember that next level? He entered the Most Holy Place once. See, I know that we’re going to celebrate this every year, but once! All we’re doing is remembering that once—for all, having obtained eternal redemption. We forgive ourselves and then put the burdens back on; we feel worthy, and then, all of a sudden, we put back on unworthiness. We put on the robes of unworthiness. What you have to realize is either you are redeemed or you’re not—and you are! You have to settle it once and for all and get on about living and laying hold of everything that your Father has procured for you. Okay, it says, for if the blood…
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