Faith is a currency; it is your means of exchange with God. When you sing, you’re saying, «God, give me something; I have some faith.» God is saying, «If you show me some faith, I will manifest things into your life.» That’s how this works because here’s the truth: everything that you now see started in a realm that you can’t see. There is nothing that you see that did not start off as invisible. You think tangibility is evidence of reality? No, that is flip-flop. Tangibility just proves that there was a reality that existed before the thing became tangible. Faith manifests even in the natural. This was an idea first; this was invisible, and then somebody had faith to believe that this thing could be so. They took their faith and they manifested it. I feel the Spirit of the Lord; I messed up the declarations, but Jesus is good. I feel the Spirit of the Lord here. I think God wants to connect the dots. Here you have these promises: God says, «I will supply all of your needs according to my riches in glory by Christ Jesus.» You have these promises, and then you stand in this moment where you have no manifestation. So you’re like, «I have this dilemma. I’ve got where I am, and I reach into my pocket, and it doesn’t make sense.» I look at my bank account; it doesn’t make sense. But I’ve got this promise, so there’s a gap now between where I am and what God said. What you do in the gap will determine what’s next for you. What are you doing in the gap? What you do in the gap is you choose to believe God. You say, «God, if you said it, I’ve got it, so show me.» When I cast my net down, show me where to put my fishing rod down. Show me how to bait my hook and reel in what you have promised me because it exists somewhere—faith. That’s how it’s going to happen. You want to know how it’s going to happen in your life? I’m going to tell you right now: two words—it’s going to happen by my faith. Everything that God has done in the earth for His people, He has done by faith. I feel like throwing this microphone! Faith is the debilitating mystery; faith cures it. Because sometimes, when there is a mystery, we’re stuck, and we’re debilitated. We’re not going away because we’re stuck. There’s a gulf between where I’m standing and what God said, and I don’t know how to cross it. I’ve got to get over there, but I don’t know how to get over there because I’m standing right here, and the promise is over there. God hasn’t said anything other than the promise is there. Most people get stuck there because they need to see something in order for them to lay hold of something. And laying hold is not about what you see; laying hold is about what you know. You fight, and you crawl, and you reach until you have in your hand what God has put in your heart. That’s how this works. He is not going to give you anything; He has given you everything. Did you hear me? He ain’t giving you nothing. Will you fight for it? Do you have faith to grab it? Depression? Do it into your hand! What if what He has caused you to believe in your heart by faith? By faith! Let’s go answer some questions for you right now—by faith. But how? Good heart, just don’t know how. I’ve got to say: by faith. If you study Jesus, we’re done. If you study Jesus, you know what moved Jesus more than holiness? You never saw Jesus say, «Oh, I’ve never seen holiness like that before,» or, «I’ve never seen holiness.» You never see Him say that. And holiness is wonderful. What moved Jesus, as it relates to our actions, attitudes, and behavior, was one thing: faith. That means that when it says that God is not a respecter of persons, it’s true, but He is a respecter of faith. Oh, I feel the Holy Spirit right now; He’s a respecter of faith, people! Most people produce things that God didn’t even promise with their faith. You know the story of the woman with the issue of blood? There was nothing in the Torah and the Tanakh and in the Jewish Bible at the time that said, «If the Messiah comes, if you touch the hem of His garment, you’re going to be healed.» There was nothing in the world that said that. She said within herself, «If I might touch the hem of His garment, I will be made whole.» And she pressed her way. She had her mind made up: Jesus is near; Jesus is coming to town. I need a healing; I need a miracle. So my reality now is, «If I can just get to the hem of His garment, I am going to be made whole.» Jesus goes and He says, «Who touched me?» and they’re like, «Everybody’s around you.» He says, «No, I ain’t talking about that.» He says, «Somebody touched me because I felt power come out of me.» He finds her—you know the story. He finds her and she’s nervous, and she’s like, «I know I probably messed up the rules, and I know I’m not supposed to be pressing in like that.» She was afraid. He says, «Oh no, no, no, no, you’re good.» He said, «Go in peace.» And then what does He say? He says, «Your faith has made you whole.» It wasn’t even in the Torah; it wasn’t even in the Bible.
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Touré Roberts - Prayer, The Forgotten Advantage - Part 4
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Touré Roberts - Inconvenient Love
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Bill Winston - Applied Faith, Part 2
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TD Jakes - It's a Faith Thing
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Touré Roberts - Destiny Gears - Part 1
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#651 - Joseph Prince - Speak Life Not Death - Part 2
22-05-2023, 21:00, Joseph Prince
Kenneth Copeland - You Have the Spirit of Faith
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Touré Roberts - Subdue It
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Jerry Savelle - The Spirit of Faith - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - Understanding the Trials of Faith - Part 1
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Bill Winston - The Force of Faith - Part 1
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Bill Winston - To See The Impossible
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Touré Roberts - Mornings with Men
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#255 - Joseph Prince - Faith Is Superior To The Law - Part 3