I want you to touch your neighbor on the right and say, «Neighbor, hey! God is looking for you.» Then turn to your other neighbor and say, «Neighbor, I don’t know if you’ve heard it or not, but God is looking for you. Make yourself available to Him. God is looking for you—yes, you, you, you, you, back there in the blue shirt! God is looking for you, back there in the yellow shirt! He’s looking for you, and he’s looking for somebody that’s watching online. God is looking for you! Have your way, Lord. Bless this food we are about to eat. Send your word today, and we’ll thank you in Jesus' name. Amen.» On your way down, just touch somebody and tell them, «He’s looking for you. God is looking for you.»
One of the big overarching themes of this particular verse, to me, is the very fact that God is looking for people that He can use. It’s amazing because I would think that God could just snatch somebody up, make them ready, and use them, but He doesn’t do it like that. He is searching; He is looking for someone whose heart is very loyal to Him, and it is those types of people that God will use.
See, when Jesus was on the earth, God did everything that He wanted to do through Him, through His physical body; He did it through Jesus Christ. However, when Jesus Christ died, was buried, resurrected, and ascended back into heaven, it changed everything. So today, God still works through the body of Christ, but it is now not just Jesus, the man. The body of Christ that I’m talking about refers to you and me. For we are His ears on the earth; we are His eyes on the earth; we are His voice that is in the earth. What God used to do physically through Jesus Christ, now He wants to do through the spiritual body of Christ, which is you and me.
I am just crazy enough to believe that when God says that His eyes are going to and fro across the face of the earth, that they really are, and that He is looking for somebody—anybody, everybody—that He can use. When we become usable in His sight, He will use us in ways that will absolutely blow our minds. When we become usable, ask your neighbor, «Are you usable?»
This morning, I want to give you six qualities that will help us move into a usable status where God is concerned. We need to be used by God, and we need to set our house in order, get our lives together. Because whether you know it or not, our church took a major shift last Sunday. We sing about it, we talk about it, we preach about it, and a lot of times we say it by faith. But there are just those moments when God comes in, honors what we have spoken, and literally shifts us from one dimension to another.
Well, last week was one of those dimensions. It wasn’t just that a guest speaker came—he was absolutely incredible, brought a great anointing and a great word—but God moves line upon line and precept upon precept. We have been building up, and we have been seeing God just open the windows of heaven periodically and drop things down. We could sense and feel the anticipation of God’s glory. It wasn’t just that he brought it; it’s just the fact that he helped make a lot of people aware that it was here.
Okay, it is here; the visitation of God is here. It’s just a matter of understanding that God has already done everything He’s going to do. Everything we need is already provided and present in the atmosphere. We can have normal church, or we can lean into the atmosphere and become aware of what is available to us today. So it all depends on your willingness to press; it depends on if you’re willing to press beyond your flesh, to press beyond your situation, to press beyond your circumstances.
Sometimes two people can be sitting on the same row, listening to the same preacher, singing the same song, and one senses a level of glory that the other does not because one is distracted while the other is focused and leaning into the atmosphere. Hallelujah! Look at somebody and tell them, «That’s me! That’s me! That’s me!» He declared prophetically over us, which I heard twice last week, that the weight of God’s glory is coming.
Please understand that when he said the weight of God’s glory is coming, it’s not that it is all set to happen on one particular Sunday, and if you miss that Sunday, you’ve missed the weight of God’s glory. It’s not like that. It is also not only going to happen in this particular room. It’s going to be great in this room because when you bring your portion of God’s glory and you bring yours, and somebody over here brings theirs, we come together, and there is a weight that settles down on us.
But God’s glory is the manifestation of God’s presence. What I’m saying to you is that it’s not going to be limited to our particular setting. I believe that the manifest presence of God wants to rest on us wherever we go—on a Monday, on a Tuesday—when people look up and see you coming.
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