If I had a theme for today, the focus for the day is to go through the gates. Just to give you a little bit of context for this scripture, the context is that of God giving His people, through the prophet Isaiah, a prophetic promise of restoration. Watch this: a repositioning of God’s people. That is where you find this particular text—it is a promise of, watch this, restoration and repositioning of God’s people. How many of us know that we’re called to be the heads and not the tails? So, if the body of Christ, the sons and daughters of the kingdom, are not in first place, something is out of position; something is wrong. When we’re not leading, something is out of order. The prophet Isaiah is prophesying to that moment they are in, but I also believe he is prophesying to us today. If you read that scripture, there are themes and prophecies, watch this, that I believe are relevant to us about, watch this, the influence that God’s people will have over kings and nations. Are you tracking with me? Where are my kingdom people in God’s house? I’m not just here for a cute little message to get through my week; I’m really trying to understand who I am and what I have been called to. Are you tracking with me? So, let’s look at one of those prophecies. If you go back to verse two in that prophecy, where Isaiah is speaking, the Gentiles, or the nations, shall see your righteousness. Now, he’s not talking about self-righteousness; there is a difference between righteousness and self-righteousness. This particular word— and that’s a whole sermon—where it talks about righteousness, indicates that the Gentiles or the nations are going to see something. When they see you, they will see your righteousness. When you break that Hebrew word down, it literally means to be right, to be just, to have equity, and, watch this, even prosperity. The full sense of that term is not just money. One can prosper financially and not prosper spiritually or emotionally. So, God’s definition of prosperity is different from man’s definition. Man’s definition of prosperity goes straight to money, and we know people with money who are jumping off bridges because it is a very carnal—right, a very finite—definition of prosperity. Now, money is nice, hello somebody! Don’t try to get all spiritual on me; money is nice. Let me tell you something: it is better to have money than to not have it! Come on, somebody! Let’s just keep it real. You can’t touch anybody, you can’t change anybody’s life, you can’t feed the hungry without some resources. Don’t be off saying, «I don’t need money, I just need Jesus.» You need Jesus and some money while you navigate this life. You won’t need it in heaven, but you aren’t there yet; you need some dinero! Come on, somebody! But this prosperity that this word talks about is more than that; it is the fullness of God. I came that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly. So, it says the Gentiles will see your righteousness; they are going to see something. They’re going to see your rightness, how you perceive things, your wisdom, and how you navigate situations. They’re going to see your equity. When you walk with God, see, one of the reasons why it’s important to give is that when you give, you are storing up equity. Tithe them for 22 years, and I have equity. So, when I go to God in prayer, I can, watch this, just like when you have equity in a house, draw from that equity! Come on, somebody! They’re going to see your righteousness, your wisdom, your equity, and they’re going to see your prosperity. It says the nations are going to see something. When this repositioning takes place, there’s going to be something about you that moves and influences nations. But it says more than that; it also says, «And all kings shall see your glory.» So God is getting ready to do something with you that is going to redefine your expression on the earth. Some of you have been overlooked, but when God is finished with you, you are going to be unavoidable. If that’s your word, shout at me real quick! Yeah, it can happen! Just like that! When you get in position, watch this, not when you meet the right person. Watch this: when you get in position, the right people are there. So we pursue people and not positions. Can we walk together a little bit today? So the nations are going to see your righteousness, and it says, «And kings shall see your glory.» As it says in verse two, «And you shall be called by a new name, ” which the mouth of the Lord will name. Then, after that, the prophecy tells us to go through the gates. Now, I need to define what I mean by gates real quick. Okay? So when I talk about gates, I’m talking about, if you’re taking notes write this down, gates are crossover points—crossover points and entrances into domains and territories of influence. Here we go! That’s what a gate is: a point of crossover. I feel God! Just turn to your neighbor and say, „You’re getting ready to…
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