We’re going to be the bridge, and speaking of bridges, I guess if there were a theme for today, it would be «Built to Last.» Last week, we learned that bridges are more prevalent in our existence than we realize. Although bridges are often overlooked, they are vital and, in some cases, critical to our very existence. In fact, driving here today, I passed by bridges, and now I’m noticing them in Brazil. Isn’t it funny? Some of you are probably experiencing this right now, where you’re actually noticing bridges that you had never noticed before. You’re probably beginning to see bridges everywhere; it’s probably beginning to drive you crazy, but it’s God speaking to you about the reality not only of the fact that He is a God of bridges, but that this God of bridges has called you to be a bridge.
What is interesting is that, although the word «bridge» is not mentioned even once in the Bible, bridges are the very theme of the Bible. When you think about it, creation was a bridge, right? God extended Himself; He extended His realm from the heavenly realm to the earthly realm, and by His presence, became a bridge between those two realms. When we pray, we are being a bridge on earth as it is in heaven. We’re interceding; we are a bridge. The cross was a bridge, right? From death to life, from defeat to victory. The cross was a bridge, and there are so many things in Scripture that were a bridge. God instituted relationships; relationships themselves are a bridge. When two people are in relationship with one another, they have a bridge. The relationship itself is a bridge among mankind. When two people have a healthy relationship, and that relationship is a bridge, they are a blessing to one another. That relationship enriches and strengthens their lives through the strength of that bridge.
In fact, Ecclesiastes chapter 4, verses 9-10 say, «Two are better than one.» It is one of my favorite passages in all of Scripture. It says two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor. You should look that up when you get a chance. So, as we start talking about bridges—in recap—a bridge is a connection. One thing we learned last week is that where there is no connection, there will be lack. Are you tracking with me?
I’m discussing bridges because the recent events of the last several years, particularly this last year, have created gaps and disconnects that require bridges, which will be fundamentally central to what we are rebuilding. I believe we’re in a time of rebuilding that God is leading us into. Let me unpack that a little bit. We’re moving into a time of rebuilding because the things that have taken place have created gaps—actual gaps—like never before. I mean, there are all sorts of needs, whether financial, health-related, or relational. It’s been a time of isolation, and quite frankly, many people are struggling emotionally because we are fundamentally dependent on human connection; God created us that way. The need for community is present. The need for connection is there. Again, in some cases, there’s a need to bridge the gap between lack and provision. All those needs are evident, and I believe God is calling you and me to be bridges. We’re going to bridge the gap that these times have brought us into. Are you tracking with me? If you’re tracking with me, let me hear it: «I’m tracking with you, PT. I’m tracking because we’re going somewhere.»
As we learned last week, we are called to be the bridges that the world needs. I have this prophetic word I want to speak over you as I was preparing: some of you, because you have embraced a bridge mentality, are getting ready to step into a time of favor and access for the purpose of building, unlike ever before. Let me say that again because I want you to recognize it when it’s happening: some of you, because you have adopted a bridge mentality, are about to step into a time of favor and access unlike any other time in your life, for the purpose of building. Go through the gates; prepare a way for the people; build up, build up, build up. That’s your word.
There is going to be amazing favor, and I hear the Lord saying, «Hold on to your integrity, for you’re going to be tempted.» This is not in my notes, but it’s for you: you’re going to be tempted more greatly in this season than ever before. For some of you, your past—though it’s supposed to be your past—seems to be getting closer. The door to yesterday, the door to the things God has delivered you from, is being pushed toward you, and you’re going to have to say no to that door. You’re going to have to let yesterday be yesterday.
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