Do me a favor: just high-five somebody and say, «I’m glad I’m here,» before you take your seat. Come on, come on, let’s do it! I see you too, just yes, hallelujah! Oh, there are many things, many things that will mark the end times, that will indicate that we are drawing closer and closer to the culmination of God’s plan—the fulfillment of everything that He promised. However, there are two major things that God said He would do that would signify shifts in the kingdom and act as markers of His soon coming return. One of those things is generational reconciliation. By generational reconciliation, in Malachi chapter 4, God says, «I want to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and I’m going to turn the hearts of the children to the fathers,» which means that the generations are not going to be as divided as they once were. Millennials and Boomers don’t really hang out too much; that’s changing. You’re beginning to see that change, and so there’s going to be this merging together where the old respect the young, and the young honor the old. Do you know what I mean? Because right now, in some cases—especially not in this church—at Mattify, can we just celebrate the diversity in our church? Especially here in Denver! We have it in LA as well; we’ve got old and young together, working together. It’s amazing! Because here’s the truth: the truth of the matter is this: I need gray hair. Gray hair—let me tell you, gray hair is a blessing. I know we try to dye it, but gray hair is a blessing because it says, «I’ve been here, and I survived.» Hello, somebody! It says, «I’ve been through some stuff. I’ve seen a thing or two, and I survived.» Right? The Bible says that it is the crown of the old—that gray hair is the glory of an old person. It also says that the glory of a young person is their strength. So the reason why the generations have to come together is so that strength can be married with wisdom. Are you tracking with me? If I have wisdom but no strength, I can’t get anything done. If I have strength and no wisdom, I might get stuff done, but it’s foolish. Hello, somebody! So there are two signs. One sign, according to Malachi chapter 4, is that there’s going to be this generational reconciliation where the generations begin to come together, where Boomers and X’s begin to value Millennials and Z’s, appreciating their innovation, experiences, and past. The Millennials and the Z’s are going to begin to crave wisdom. I can just see young people sitting at the feet of older individuals, saying, «Teach me what you learned.» Are you tracking with me? The second thing that God said He is going to do—and this is what I want to focus on today, as it relates to major things that will signify that God is on the move—is the emergence of women. If you were here yesterday, I talked about that. Right there in Joel chapter 2, it says, «And afterward,» and in Acts chapter 2, when Peter recites it, he says, «In the last days.» But here it says, «Afterward, I’m going to pour out My Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy; your men servants and your maid servants will prophesy.» So what’s happening is we are in the middle of a movement, and it’s a movement of the emergence of women. If you are an emerging and evolving woman, holler at me! Hello, come on LA! Let me hear you! Yeah, LA and Denver, we’re in this together! If you are an evolving and emerging woman, holler at me! It’s an amazing thing. The reason why I say «afterward"—and I touched on this, and if you haven’t heard that message, «Reimagining Woman,» listen to it. I’m not going to repeat that message. Ultimately, the woman has, for the longest time, and even to this day, been the most persecuted and oppressed people group on the planet. We thought it was African Americans; we thought it was Native Americans; we thought it was maybe the Jews, and that’s true. All of those groups and many others have experienced great oppression and suppression. But the difference between those groups and women is that you have women within those groups, making women the most suppressed and oppressed group for thousands of years—dating back to the beginning. And I wonder why! I wonder why. Could it be because of her potential? So what we’re beginning to see now is a prophecy that went out, and it said «afterward.» In other words, after a period of time, there is going to be an outpouring of My Spirit, and yes, it’s going to impact men, but especially, it’s going to impact women. The reason why we’re talking about the emergence of women is not to say that women were not there; they were there, but they were so far removed from their potential. Their becoming—who God has called them to be—is going to look like emergence. I feel the Holy Spirit of God! You know, we haven’t even seen a real woman yet! We are just beginning to see the purposes and the plan for women unfold.
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