Psalm 37, beginning at verse 23, reads: «The steps of a good man"—better translations include «valiant person» or «strong person"—"are ordered by the Lord, and He, the Lord, delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not utterly be cast down, for the Lord upholds him with His hand. I have been young and now I am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging bread.» The steps of a good man are ordered, set up, erected, established. The steps of a good man are established; they are already done. They are established; they are set up. The steps, the going forth of a good person, a valiant person—the going forth, each and every step that creates their going forth has already been settled. They are established; they are set up. Tell your neighbor, «It’s already done! It’s already done! It’s already done!»
Father, we thank You so much for this word; it is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. God, I sense that You desire to do many amazing and beautiful things in our lives today. One thing I am convinced You are after is a conviction within us that believes, receives, and lives in the conscious reality that it is already done. So my prayer, if You don’t do anything else, is that You would set us free to the next degree based on our spiritual comprehension of the victory we possess—not a victory we’re trying to gain, but a victory that was procured in Christ. Meaning that once we have Christ, we have it. Father, may the evidence of that be the eradication of anxiety. Oh, hallelujah! May the evidence of that be a strengthening of ourselves from the inside out that causes us to no longer accept what is beneath us, that desperation would disappear. Oh, hallelujah! May we only receive high things, lofty things, things that reflect who You called and created us to be. Father, may this revelation be so strong that we would untether ourselves from everything connected to a lesser version of ourselves. Let this revelation be so profound and striking in our hearts and minds that it would immediately reveal everything that You did not build into our lives—even walls of protection that are no longer necessary because You have us covered. So God, I ask for transformation; may we leave here a little higher than we were when we entered, a little more assured, a little more victorious, a little clearer. And I pray, God, even in the midst of it, that dreams will begin to resurface, that You would instill an «I can do» spirit within us—yes, that we would have a fresh, brand-new «yes, I can!» in our spirits. Since it’s already done, we might as well go for it. Do that—heal us, bless us, encourage us, edify us, empower us, strengthen us, elevate us, in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen!
Do me a favor: if you agree, put your hands together, celebrate God, and honor the person next to you as you take your seat. Hallelujah! Already done! Already done! Hallelujah! Already done!
Well, here on February 16, 2020, I want to officially welcome you to 2020. Now, that may seem a little strange—aren’t you about a month and a half late? No, because I believe that the reality of 2020 is just beginning to be truly realized. You know how it is: we step into a new year with our plans and strategies, and we have a sense of how things should go. We enter bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, and everything is wonderful. Then, typically, we realize that it’s a little more difficult than we thought. I was talking to a friend of mine; he’s a championship boxer. I called him up because I felt like February—this moment, this time—had some connection to the second round of a 12-round bout and the second month of the new year. I called him and said, «Hey man, I got a question for you. I don’t know much about boxing, but tell me, what is the second round like? Describe the second round to me.» He said, «Well, you know, in the second round, you typically have to make some adjustments and reassess your strategy. You came into the ring with one strategy based on studying your opponent and how they move, along with all sorts of boxing thoughts and strategies that I don’t know much about. You study that, but once you get in the ring, that’s where it shifts from conceptualization to realization. Because this is what I thought, but actually, this guy is hitting a lot harder than I thought; they’re a little faster than I thought. You know, they train well when they’re lighter and hitting harder. So in the second round, you have to reassess and maybe change your strategy a little bit.» I feel like that’s where we are as we…
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