There are so many things that we can thank God for. I mean, you can simply take out your pen and paper and write a list of the plethora of things, the magnitude and multitude of things, for which we are thankful. However, I’ve come to a place in my own life where I just thank God for God—literally for the fact that I have a Savior, for the fact that I have a King. This King is not the type that we typically fight for, as it is in most earthly kingdoms where the servants fight for the king. Instead, we have a King who fights for us, and I love that. I love being a child of God; I love being a son of God; I love being a part of the family of God, because there are so many benefits.
I’m thinking about something that David said: «For this I know, God is for me.» If that’s your testimony, I want you to put it in the feed right now: «God is for me.» Come on, say it and decree it: «God is for me.» There are things that we must constantly and consistently remind ourselves of in order to maintain a disposition of authority and a disposition of peace, which we’ll discuss shortly. There are things we have to tell ourselves regularly. I remind myself every day that God is with me. Put that in the feed as well: «God is with me.» Then I tell myself God is for me; He’s on my side. Next, I say, «God is mercy.» There is no place in my life for shame because God is mercy. Then I remind myself that God will guide me. In other words, I may not have everything figured out, but because God is with me, because He’s for me, because He’s on my side, God will guide me.
I tell myself that God will never fail me. You ought to practice that! I think I gave you five things, but you should practice saying them. Before you go to bed and when you wake up in the morning, remind yourself: «God is with me, God will guide me, God is mercy, and God will never fail me.» Just those four things every day. Write it in the feed: «God is with me, God will guide me, God is mercy, and God will not fail me.» If you tell that to yourself every day, if you wake up in the morning and say it, before you go to sleep—sometimes you can’t sleep because anxiety is trying to figure things out—but if you would just calm yourself and say that, in fact, repeat it to help you sleep: «God is with me, God will guide me, God is mercy, God will not fail me,» it will bless your life.
Well, family, it’s so wonderful to be with you here today! You know I have a word from God. God gave it to me, and quite frankly, I’m supposed to be out right now. I’m not even supposed to be preaching today; I’m supposed to be finishing this incredible book that God has blessed me to write. However, during my personal devotional time, God gave me this word, and I thought, «I have to take a break from the break I took and come share this word with you.» I believe it is going to be right on time for some of you; I believe God is going to minister to you.
The passage of Scripture is quite familiar to all of us. We have all read it. If you haven’t read it before, you’ve never opened up your Bible—you know what I mean. I’ve preached from it, but as I’ve stared at it recently, I received revelation and just want to share it with you because I think it will bless you. I believe it’s going to be a timely word for you.
So let’s go to Genesis chapter one, and I’m going to read the first seven verses. I’ll just dive in. We’re going to get into this world, we’re going to be blessed, we’re going to move on, and we’re going to worship. It’s going to be fantastic! While we’re preparing to read this, do me a favor: shout out where you’re watching from. Wherever you are—whether it’s a country, region, land, or city—just let us know. Put it right there in the feed.
Genesis 1 reads like this: «In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, 'Let there be light, ' and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good. God divided the light from the darkness. God called the light day, and the darkness He called night. So the evening and the morning were the first day. Then God said, 'Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.' Thus God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament. And it was so.» There is so much here; we will tap into it completely. But let’s pray, and then we’ll dive right into what God showed me as I read this familiar passage.
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