It’s found in First Kings chapter 3, and we’re going to look at this disposition. I want us to find ourselves in this disposition; this is what I like to call a spiritual sweet spot. If you’re in this place, you know you’re good. We’re going to look at King Solomon, who had recently taken the reign from his father David, who had passed away. Now he’s thrust into this position of leading the children of Israel. I love it because he could have been all puffed up and proud, thinking, «I’m the king; God’s given me this power; He’s given me this authority; I’m the man.» This could have been all about «me, me, me» and what he could get and do, but he’s not. It says that at Gibeon, the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night, and God said, «Ask, what shall I give you?» That’s heavy! Think about the position he’s in; he’s already the man. Then God comes to him and says, «All you have to do is ask me, and I will give you whatever you want.» Now pause before we get to the spiritual reply. If God puts you in this position and tells you essentially that whatever you ask for, you could have, what would you ask for? Just think about it for a second. There are a lot of good things that you and I could ask for. «Man, just take care of my family. Take care of me.» You might even think, «Take care of my enemies; I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to get back at them.» «Give me good health; give me all these other things, ” right? But he doesn’t answer like that. Solomon said, „You have shown great mercy to your servant David my father because he walked before you in truth, in righteousness, and in uprightness of heart with you.“ First of all, I love that he pauses, and before he answers based on his desire, he reflects on the one who is asking the question. Did you catch it? „Before I run in here and talk about what I want, let me think about who’s talking to me.“ He goes into this history and says, „You’ve shown, first of all, you’re a good God. As I check your track record and see your history playing out in my family, I recognize that you’ve shown great mercy to David, my father, who was your servant.“ You’ve shown great mercy to him because he walked before you in truth, in righteousness, and in uprightness of heart with you. It’s powerful; he’s essentially walking himself to the right answer by saying, „God, you’ve been good— not only to me but to David because his heart was right.“ He’s taking this relationship with God very seriously. He states, „You were good to my father David; you showed him mercy because he walked before you in truth and righteousness, in uprightness of heart with you. You have continued this great kindness for him, and you have given him a son to sit on his throne as it is this day.“ Then he says, „Now, O Lord, you have made your servant king instead of my father David; you made me king instead of my father David.“ But look at this. He says, „But I am a little child.“ He was a grown man; he was a grown man, but he was in his spiritual sweet spot. The first thing you have to be in order to be in this spiritual sweet spot is humble. He says, „I am a little child.“ This is crazy, right? We might say this, but this is a man of power; this is a man of influence. He’s on the throne; he’s running Israel, and yet he says, „I’m a child.“ When was the last time you called yourself a child? Isn’t it interesting that some of the children of Israel were upwards of 80 years old when they were still called children of Israel? I love this humility! He continues, „But I am a child, ” and then he adds, „I do not know how to go out or come in.“ Oh, this is crazy! He’s saying, „I don’t know what I’m doing.“ It’s okay in the morning when you talk to God; I know you have plans, and I know you have dreams, and I know you’re doing big things. Oh, that’s wonderful; that’s cool. But how awesome and truthful would it be for you to wake up in the morning and say, „God, I’m a child, and I actually don’t know what I’m doing?“ I promise you, that is your reality because it’s a day you have never seen before. This is a spiritual sweet spot. Yes, you’ve got this, and you’ve got that, but guess what? „Hey, God, I don’t know what to do.“ Sometimes, we’re too full to get full. I wish I could say that better; sometimes we’re so full of what we think we know that God can’t fill us up with truth. I feel that for somebody. God wants you to empty yourself out because the stuff you’re currently full of cannot lead you into your destiny; it can’t lead you into God’s best for you. You’re too full, especially in this season; there’s not enough room.
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