If you take nothing else from this message today, I want to bring you to a place where you are aligned in such a way that you can move the needle forward in every season, just like this verse says, which we’re going to unpack. I’m going to tell you how to do it, and you do it through this thing called the anointing. If you’re tracking with me, put it in the comments right now: I want the anointing! In fact, if you really understand what the anointing is, I want you to put it in the comments and say, «I need the anointing.» If you’re taking notes, I want you to write this thought down. We’re going to unpack this today, and we’ll go even deeper next week, but there is nothing you can ever be in life that is greater than being anointed. There is nothing you can ever be in life that is greater than being anointed—so much so that David, who is the writer of the majority of the Psalms, as he sits down to pen the Psalms, the first thing he writes about is the benefits of being anointed. He had all kinds of experiences; David went from shepherd boy to king of Israel and a bunch of things in between, and a legacy was produced out of him. In fact, the Messiah came from his lineage. But when he sits down to write his worship songs, the first thing on his mind is to tell you and me today about the benefits and the power of being anointed. So, this series that we’re embarking upon today is called «The Anointing,» and I want to discuss that. We’re going to understand it, and we’re going to learn how to access it. I’ll mention all the benefits of it. So, let’s first begin by answering the question: What is the anointing? If you’re taking notes, write this thought down: The anointing is the incontestable, undeniable mark of God on a person’s life. Hallelujah! It is incontestable; it cannot be contested. You may not like the way I look, but you cannot deny my anointing. You may not like how I move; I may be different from you, and I may not be what you’re used to or even your cup of tea, but when a person is anointed, you cannot deny that the mark of God is on their life. Anointed people often have complicated lives because God has put His mark on them; He has put His seal on them. When you want to hate them, you can hate them all day long, but you can’t stop them. I’m getting ahead of myself; say, «Take it slow, PT. Take it slow, PT.» The anointing is what moves the needle of progress in a person’s life in any season. When I look at Psalm 1 and 3, when it says, «He shall be like a tree,» David is speaking from experience. If you look at the previous verses, he’s talking about people who align themselves to experience the full grace of the anointing. It says that person, «He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water.» Planted, planted, planted! That’s grounded by rivers of water—not just river water, but rivers, all these streams of refreshing that create progress for every scenario in your life. This anointed individual brings forth fruit in every season. The leaf of that individual cannot wither because the anointing cannot shrink; the anointing is God. We’re going to get into it, and whatever he does shall prosper. So as we step into times when we are concerned about progress—what does progress look like? Am I in the position to progress in this life? I’m not just trying to survive 2020; I’m not just trying to survive this season. I believe that, according to Psalm 1 and 3, in every season I can be fruitful, and whatever my anointed self does will prosper. I believe that, but I don’t base it on my own strength or ability; I believe it because I have this thing on my life and this thing over my life, and this thing is called the anointing. I’m thinking about something David said in Psalm 27 and 4; I quote it often. He says, «The one thing that I desire, that will I seek,» and then he ultimately says that I might dwell in the presence of God to behold the beauty of God. In essence, what David is saying is that you can take things from me. I don’t want to lose anything, but you can take my castle; you can take my robe; you can take my riches; you can take my jewels; you can take relationships from me. You can take these things; I don’t want them to go, but you can have those things. But one thing that you cannot have is my anointing. I feel that for somebody, and I feel the same way. Right when I look over my life, you know, one day I was sitting with my son recently, and I was just talking to Isaiah about life. «Son, you know you haven’t been with me all my life; you’re only 18, and you’ll be 18 at the end of this month,» and, you know, you’ve only been with me for a certain amount of time.
Touré Roberts - The Anointing - Part 2
19-03-2025, 01:00, Touré Roberts
Joel Osteen - A Fresh Anointing
8-01-2024, 14:23, Joel Osteen
Benny Hinn - Two Divisions of the Anointing
23-11-2021, 12:00, Benny Hinn
Joel Osteen - You Are Anointed
27-01-2021, 16:00, Joel Osteen
Benny Hinn - Teaching on the Anointing - Part 6
18-10-2021, 02:22, Benny Hinn
Kenneth Copeland - We Are Partakers Of The Anointing
21-10-2021, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Benny Hinn - The Coming Anointing of the Holy Spirit, Part 1
30-10-2021, 17:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Teaching on the Anointing - Part 4
18-10-2021, 02:22, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - The Coming Anointing of the Holy Spirit, Part 2
30-10-2021, 17:30, Benny Hinn
Kenneth Copeland - The Anointing Is In You
30-07-2021, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Benny Hinn - Seven Manifestations of the Anointing
20-11-2021, 11:00, Benny Hinn
Sid Roth - The Breaker Anointing
27-12-2020, 06:00, Sid Roth
Rick Renner - Anointing and Unity
25-03-2022, 18:30, Rick Renner
Bill Winston - You Have the Anointing Working in You
7-01-2025, 02:00, Bill Winston
Benny Hinn - New Anointing, How to Know
24-01-2023, 01:00, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Teaching on the Anointing - Part 5
18-10-2021, 02:22, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Releasing Anointing Through Prayer, Part 2
20-11-2021, 10:30, Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn - Teaching on the Anointing - Part 3
18-10-2021, 02:22, Benny Hinn
#559 - Joseph Prince - Be Led By His Anointing And Win - Part 3