Revival is a unique Heaven-initiated grace, being a divine enablement and an outpouring that did not start with man, but begins with God. There is an unusual grace over His people to accomplish things that have never been done before; it is an unusual outpouring of His Spirit to progress His agenda through His people. Oh, I’m going to take my time with this one! A unique grace—what is grace? It’s a divine enablement; it is an ability that transcends human capability to produce and manifest the intentions of God on the earth. So, it has nothing to do with man; it just happens through man. Man can’t start it; you can’t work your way up to it. You can fast and pray all day long if you want to, but you cannot initiate a move of God. You can prepare yourself to be used in it. It is something that Heaven initiates, something that Heaven does, and those who are sensitive to Heaven’s sound, those who are attuned to Heaven’s movement, begin to position themselves so that they can be the people that God uses. And it’s so awesome! If it happens through you, it gets to happen to you. Are you hearing me? That’s the wonderful part about ministry: the goodness of God fills you up, and as it fills you up, the goodness of God comes through you. But guess what? If it has to come through you, you can catch a little bit of it. Hello, somebody! So, if you are to become powerful in this movement, so that you can be used in this movement, you get to become powerful. You can’t heal anybody if you aren’t healed; you can’t set anybody free if you’re not set free; you can’t deliver anybody unless God delivers you. So it comes to you first and then through you, and you will begin to reproduce of your own kind. Yes, it’s about the harvest, but God sees you as harvest because He has an investment in you. Revival is here! I know Revival when I feel it. I don’t want to just be talking about it or talking about something else. I’ve got 1,700 sermons I would love to preach to you tonight, but we’re in Revival. See, when you get full of Revival, you become the sermon. You don’t need to hear the sermon; you’ve got the Word on the inside of you, ministering to every part of you. And so, I was praying and I’m like, «God, you know I feel like a little kid all over again. I feel like I just got saved.» I’m like Paul, who said at the height of his ministry, «I claim to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.» In other words, I’ve got my foundation, but that’s all I have, because I don’t want to be so full that I miss the move of God. I don’t want to be so busy talking that I can’t hear what God is doing and what God is saying, so that I can position myself. I don’t want to miss the wave. So I’m praying and I’m like, «God, alright, I know what Revival looked like on the day of Pentecost.» Right? They were all in one place; a sound came in. You were here Sunday; you know I talked about it. A sound came in like a rushing, mighty wind. Then there was an appearance of a sound—the divine sound from Heaven came, and then vision came. The vision was a projection of what would come, and then what would come was manifested. They began to speak in tongues; they were in Jerusalem, and 3,000 people met the Lord. Right? Well, we aren’t in Jerusalem! Hello, somebody! We’re not in Jerusalem! So my question to God was, «God, I understand what happened on the day of Pentecost and I understand what happened in this time and that time. God, what is Revival? What does modern Revival look like?» And I’m not afraid to ask that question because we could be out there talking about some dead Pentecost stuff and no one would get saved. You missed what I just said. We will try to model exactly, in the name of staying true to the Word. I get that, but you have to understand what the Word is. So I’m like, «God, what does modern Revival look like? What does it look like? What is it?» Are we supposed to go out into the streets and just start speaking in tongues and everyone is going to come to Jesus? And then He started speaking to me about what modern Revival looks like. One of the things He pointed out to me was that when Jesus walked—watch this—when Jesus walked, He said, «Follow me,» and people would follow. It’s interesting that in modern times, one of the most influential things right now is social media, and on social media, guess what you do as a sign? I’m not saying that social media is the apex of evangelism; I’m saying as a sign right here in our culture, the very thing that looked like Revival in Jesus’s ministry was people following Him. And so I said, «God, what does modern Revival look like? When You pour out Your Spirit, what’s going to happen?» He said, «I’m going to put a grace on My people that’s going to give them authority to cause people to follow them.» Oh God, to follow them! I’m going to give them vision. Oh, I feel that! He also talked to me about team building. See, when Jesus was walking and talking, and He was preaching the gospel…
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Touré Roberts - Revival
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