I can’t think of a better daily habit than prayer, and I believe it is important, especially early in the year, to develop the habit of prayer so that you can flow in the rhythm of divine perspective. The habit of prayer keeps you attuned to the rhythm of divine insight. It’s interesting that when I begin to quote what we call the Lord’s Prayer, I understand why it’s referred to as the Lord’s Prayer—it is the prayer that the Lord taught us. However, beyond it being the Lord’s Prayer, it serves as a model prayer. Jesus, the master of prayer—one who understands prayer better than anyone—says, «I need you to pray like this.» If you don’t pray like this, you’re missing out on the essence of prayer. He simplifies prayer into a few elements that, I believe, alter and shape our perspective: our understanding of the heavenly realm, our mission and purpose, our view of each day, our perspective on provision, our outlook toward others, our sense of divine protection, our spirit-led living, and our acknowledgment of the preeminence of God.
It’s intriguing that, before he introduces this model prayer, he first states that our Heavenly Father already knows what we need. Wow. Just think about that for a moment. I firmly believe in praying for what you need, and while that’s wonderful, if most of your prayer time is spent begging for your needs, we have missed the true power of what prayer is meant to be. So let’s explore this; let’s unpack it a little. I want to teach today, and I’ll try to keep it brief—just about seven or eight hours, then we’ll wrap up.
He says, «When you pray, first of all, do this: pray like this. Pray, 'Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name.'» The reason he tells us to start the prayer by acknowledging where God is is to elevate our perspective beyond the limitations of the earthly realm. He lays the foundation of prayer. He doesn’t say, «Our Father who I just met in Cusco.» No, no, no, it’s «Our Father in Heaven.» Our Father who art in Heaven—it immediately lifts your perspective beyond the boundaries of what you can achieve by your own strength to the infinite, untapped realm of Heaven. That’s why I don’t have to see what I need in the natural realm; I only need to believe that a realm exists that is greater than the one I am operating in. In fact, the reason I can function in this realm is because of the reality of that other realm. Are you following me?
The first thing God introduces to us concerning perspective is that of the heavenly realm. Is anyone grateful that there is a heavenly realm? Aren’t you glad there’s something greater than what can be seen? «Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be Your name—I am sanctifying Your name; I am setting apart Your name. There is none like You.» It gives me a perspective about Heaven, and sometimes we need an escape from this earthly realm. Oh, hallelujah! The beginning of prayer is an escape from the confines of this realm. I feel it; I have somewhere to go.
Sometimes, when life boxes you in—has anyone ever felt boxed in by life? Come on, Los Angeles! Have you ever felt like you can’t go left or right? The only reason you and I feel boxed in is that we don’t know how to escape to the secret place—a realm where all things are possible, where all of our promises are «Yes» and «Amen» in Christ. Thus, it offers me an escape. Before we start our workday or any day, we must enter the heavenly realm. That’s what prayer does; it is a meeting on Earth with the realities of Heaven.
I need to be reminded that something greater exists beyond this world I live in. There’s something mightier than government shutdowns, furloughs, and political squabbling. I need to remember that I am not living solely by man’s system; I am a citizen of Heaven. I have dual citizenship—I am a citizen of the U.S. or Zimbabwe or wherever, but most importantly, I am a citizen of Heaven. We are praying for our government leaders and for those who work for the government, as well as those affected by the government shutdowns. Even if you didn’t work for the government, perhaps someone who did has been contributing to your well-being. Can we take a moment in the name of Jesus to express gratitude for being citizens of Heaven? God, I pray that You turn things around on Earth, but if not, then open Heaven over Your sons and daughters who are experiencing this difficult time, providing for them just as You did with manna from Heaven. In the mighty name of Jesus, can we take a moment to celebrate the fact that God will not abandon His children?
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Charles Stanley - Your Convictions About Prayer
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