Today, I want to talk about the standard of excellence, and I want to discuss unleashing your excellence because the vision, as it relates to your daily strategy, is not for us to simply get through the day; it is for us to strive for excellence every day. Oh, I feel it so! In other words, we’re not talking about excellence as the exception; we’re talking about excellence as the norm. So today, we’re going to do a deep dive into the concept of excellence because I believe there are some misconceptions about excellence that cause many to disqualify themselves from even associating with such a concept. Some people often think, perhaps subconsciously, that excellence is for others—those who are noteworthy or who have been celebrated for their excellence in certain areas. But the truth is, we have all been ordained for excellence in something. Today, we’re going to better understand this truth, and we will be empowered to tap into our excellence so that we can actualize everything that God has assigned to our identity in Him. If you’re up for that challenge, just put it in the comments: «I’m ready, PT! I’m ready, PT!» Just put it right there in the feed: «I’m ready, PT!»
The first thing we must understand about excellence is that excellence is the essence of divinity. Write it down. Put it in your journal: excellence is the essence of divinity. Psalm 1:8— you’ve heard this before: «O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth.» Right there, God’s name—what does it mean? Is it saying Your name is extra? You have an excellent name? You know, Jehovah—that’s an excellent name. I like the way the words come together. But no, that’s not the name in the scripture. A name in life is about identity—unique identity. So when it says, «Lord, O Lord, how excellent is Your name,» what we’re talking about is God’s unique identity. God’s unique identity is excellence. Hallelujah!
If you study that word, the English word «excellent, ” watch this—it’s going to get good! It literally means extremely good or very good. So wait, let’s walk together. We know that God is excellent and that excellence is part of the divine essence. The essence of divinity is excellence, and we see that because the word tells us God’s identity is excellent. When we unpack our English word „excellence,“ it means to be extremely good or, better yet, to be very good. That very good sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Sounds familiar—very good! And if it doesn’t to you, I’m going to show you why it’s here. Let’s go to Genesis chapter 1, verse 31. In Genesis chapter 1, verse 31, God has created everything—He’s created everything, including mankind. Everything He has spoken into being is aligned to do everything it’s supposed to do. He looks at His creation; He sees that He has created humankind; He’s put them in the garden to reign and rule. Interestingly enough, all the way up to this point, He’s only calling it good. But when it is completely set in motion, when it all comes together and is structured and aligned to do what it’s supposed to do, He calls it very good. You see it there in the text. He says, „And it was very good.“ He called it excellent! God looks at everything He made, and He sees it doing what it is supposed to do. He doesn’t call it good anymore; now He calls it very good. He calls it excellent!
What this means is that you and I, in our authentic essence, are excellent. We’re excellent—oh, hallelujah! Excellence isn’t just for them; excellence isn’t just for those special ones. Excellence is who you are. The true version of you is excellent. Just put it in the comments right there, put it in the feed: „I am excellent!“ Oh, something’s going to break as you do it! Something is going to break as you say it! I don’t want you to just put it in the feed; I want you to let it come out of your mouth: „I am excellent!“ Something’s gonna break! Do it again: „I am excellent!“ Come on, do it one more time: „I am excellent!“ Then I want you to change it. Not only am I excellent, but say, „I am excellence!“ I feel God—something’s going to break! I feel like generational chains are going to break as you begin to say, „I am excellent!“ Because some of you have gone through things in your life, and those things have tried to rob you of your true identity and your true sense of worth and value. I came to shake something loose in your spirit today; I came to shake something loose in your life. I want you to open your mouth today and prophesy to your future, saying, „I am excellent!“ Hallelujah! I was created in the image of God, and we already know that God is excellent. That means that I’m excellent! Oh, I feel this! I’ve got to find my excellence! I’ve got to find my excellent! I’m excellent! I’ve got to get back to excellence! I’ve been thinking that I’m just barely getting by, or I’ve been thinking that I’m normal, or I’ve been thinking that I’m ordinary. But you’re not ordinary! You’re not even just good; you are very good! You are excellent!