I want to talk about the excellent spirit. All I do is win, win, win. I want to talk about the excellent spirit. The motivation for this is that I have really been sensing for the past few weeks that God wants to stay with me. If you don’t mind, can you just be okay with that? Thank you so much, because I don’t know how this is going to go. But I promise to take it easy on your fingers. For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been feeling that expansion is coming. And not just corporately; I mean, yes, corporately, but individually as well. I’ve been feeling this way because what I’ve learned about the church and movements is that what God is doing corporately, He purposes to do individually with those who are connected to the anointing that is operating corporately. It’s the same anointing. I’ve really been feeling that I know when God is preparing to do a dimensional expansion because I get restless, and I am no longer comfortable. Watch this: I am no longer comfortable in my environment because my insides are beginning to bust out of what surrounds me. What I am being is beginning to conflict with what I am seeing. You know what I’m saying? You feel on the inside that what you are looking at doesn’t resemble what you see when you close your eyes. Has anyone ever been there before? It’s when the dream of God in your life begins to ripen. There’s something about having a vision; you know that’s a vision you’ve written down, you’ve made it plain, and you’re moving toward it. But it’s another thing when that vision gets so close to you and your insides. It’s almost like I believe that when a woman is pregnant, she knows when it’s almost time. She can want it to be that time months before, but there’s a moment she arrives at—I’m talking like I’m a woman; I’m just assuming based on what I’ve observed—that her insides say it’s time. Usually, it’s accompanied by discomfort, awkwardness, and ultimately a dissatisfaction with circumstances. Are we tracking together? I’ve been feeling that for a few weeks. If you’ve been sensing that your insides are not aligning with your outsides, I’m in the right room. I sense that. As I was praying about this, the Lord spoke to me, bringing up the concept of excellence. As I began to delve into it, I believe that one of the things keeping some of you from birthing your vision is that you are not operating in excellence. You’re creative, talented, blessed, and have good intentions, but there’s a difference between those things and excellence. So, I want to talk about the excellent spirit because it’s not just an excellent spirit; it’s the excellent Spirit that we must possess, operate in, and flow with. I believe when we get there, we’re going to be blessed. Thank you so much, sir. I want to draw your attention real quick to Daniel chapter 6, and we’re going to look at the first four verses. It reads like this: Let me give you some history. Daniel is incredibly talented, gifted, wise, and has great integrity. He has what we’re about to see in a moment—an excellent spirit. However, the children of Israel went through a season where they ultimately walked away from the covering of God. Many people think that God punished them, but God doesn’t punish. All He has to do is let you step outside of His cover, and life will punish you. But He’s so good that even in the midst of us walking outside of His covering and life dealing with us, He still commands life—not too much. You follow what I’m saying? You can only go so far. I’m actually going to use life to bring you back under my covering, where you are safe. I love that about God. He’s not punishing; all you have to do is take His hand and do like this. Sometimes He doesn’t have to remove His hand completely; all He has to do is lift it just a little bit. The children of Israel went through a season where they felt like they didn’t need God’s covering or protection. So, they were doing all kinds of things, worshipping other gods. They ended up with that protection being lifted and found themselves in Babylonian captivity. Daniel was one of the wise people of Israel who found himself in Babylonian captivity. Yet, even though he was in a situation, atmosphere, or surrounding that was less than who he was, he always seemed to rise to the top. They switched kings a few times; it didn’t matter who was king. Daniel, because of something he had inside him—an excellent spirit, which you’re going to see in a second—would always rise to the top. There are some people right now whom God has given a vision of the top, but you’re at the bottom. I hear God saying, once you get your excellent spirit in order, you’re going to…
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Andrew Wommack - An Excellent Spirit, Episode 10
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Andrew Wommack - An Excellent Spirit, Episode 1
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Andrew Wommack - An Excellent Spirit, Episode 2
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Andrew Wommack - An Excellent Spirit, Episode 3
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Andrew Wommack - An Excellent Spirit, Episode 4
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Andrew Wommack - An Excellent Spirit, Episode 5
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Andrew Wommack - An Excellent Spirit, Episode 6
24-08-2021, 10:30, Andrew Wommack
Andrew Wommack - An Excellent Spirit, Episode 7
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Andrew Wommack - An Excellent Spirit, Episode 8
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Andrew Wommack - An Excellent Spirit, Episode 9
24-08-2021, 12:00, Andrew Wommack
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Touré Roberts - It's In You
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Touré Roberts - Protecting The Mind
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Touré Roberts - Lost and Found (Full Circle with God)