Jack Hibbs - Should Christianity and Politics Intersect?

Jack Hibbs

Pastor Jack Hibbs and Dr Wayne Grudem discuss the biblical basis for Christians’ involvement in politics and the current threats to our God-given freedoms. Join the conversation on this week’s program!...

Jack Hibbs - Should Christians Be Involved In Politics? – Part 2

Jack Hibbs

Pastor Jack Hibbs and Tony Perkins continue the conversation of a Christian’s involvement in politics by discussing the spiritual battle that is currently raging in our nation’s capital. What can we do to defend our Biblical worldview in today’s...

Jack Hibbs - Should Christians Be Involved In Politics? – Part 1

Jack Hibbs

God calls us to be good stewards of the things He has entrusted to us, but does this include the realm of politics? Pastor Jack Hibbs and Tony Perkins sit down to discuss the responsibility of every believer to influence the culture around them....

Bill Johnson - The Church's Responsibility with Politics

Bill Johnson

Bill Johnson and Bethel Associate Pastor and Dean of BSSM Dann Farrelly discuss the church's responsibility with politics....

Jeff Schreve - God, Government and Christians

Jeff Schreve

Government is a good thing because government is a God thing, created by Him to provide protection for the people. And He gave mankind the job and the responsibility of rulership using a government that would be underneath God’s direction. What...

David Jeremiah - Cancel Culture: A Political Prophecy

David Jeremiah

Does Bible prophecy predict a time when society tries to silence the voices of morality? Is cancel culture a sign of end-times culture? How can believers live freely in a world so ready to cancel the message of Christ? Jesus touched lepers who were...

Sid Roth - Should a Politician Be Denied Communion If They Are Pro-abortion

Sid Roth

I was actually amazed when I saw headlines this morning, I saw headline on FOX News, on CNN news. In fact let me read this from CNN: "Joe Biden was denied Communion at Catholic Church in South Carolina". So the issue is: should anyone be...

David Barton - Can You Apply The Bible To Politics?

David Barton

David Barton preach on Can you apply the Bible to politics?...

Robert Jeffress - How Should Christians Respond To President Biden?

Robert Jeffress

Although the occupant of the White House is changing January 20, there are four truths about God that will never change....

David Barton - We've Become Too Politically Correct

David Barton

David Barton joins Kirk Cameron to discuss why church leaders are not addressing politics. Listen as they discuss how we, as a church, have become too politically correct, and have forgotten the significance of speaking the truth into the world....

David Barton - Political Integrity

David Barton

When it comes to politics, it seems America suffers from an integrity deficit. As devoted statesmen have been replaced by career politicians, Americans have lost a sense of trust in their elected officials. Federal prosecution of public corruption...

Andy Stanley - What Is The Role of the Church in Politics

Andy Stanley

The unity and diversity of the early church shocked and intrigued the ancient world. Ours should as well....