Joel Osteen - Progress Under Pressure

Joel Osteen

Every breath. Every smile. Everything that brings us joy. It’s all a gift from God—and He’s got a whole lot more where that came from. Rejoice with a grateful heart!...

Jeff Schreve - Facing the Fire

Jeff Schreve

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were three young men who refused to compromise. Because of this unwavering commitment to the Lord, they made such a difference for the Kingdom of God. They were men of courage and conviction, two qualities desperately...

Kenneth Copeland - Freedom From Anxiety and Pressure

Kenneth Copeland

God’s grace is sufficient for you! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he helps you gain freedom from anxiety and pressure. Break the stronghold of worry on your mind, and recognize that God’s grace is fully capable of providing...

Joel Osteen - Healthy Pressure

Joel Osteen

I want to talk to you today about Healthy Pressure. Sometimes we think we'll get to this place where there's no pressure, no people getting on our nerves, no traffic, no delays, everything's falling into place, plenty in our bank...

Creflo Dollar - How To Mature Through Pressure

Creflo Dollar

This stuff right now that you're facing, God's already working out a magnificent plan for you to have full of... you gonna be full of praise, and glory, and honor, praise God, because you refuse to let pressure dictate your next move....

Creflo Dollar - Don't Be Afraid of Pressure - Part 2

Creflo Dollar

Faith takes hold of what Jesus has made available. Faith takes possession of what grace has made available. You should be saying to the devil, "Devil, don't let me find this in the Word". Once you find it in the Word, you're...

Creflo Dollar - Don't Be Afraid of Pressure - Part 1

Creflo Dollar

There are things that'll happen in our lives. We'll come to the point where we will realize, only God can get me out of this. And I would say, don't wait until something like that happens before you depend on God. Start depending on...

Bill Winston - When The Pressure Comes, Just Say No

Bill Winston

As soon as you get the revelation of the law of confession and begin to walk in it, you are going to experience all kinds of pressure. The devil and his demons will work overtime to throw circumstances and unbelieving people in your path to try to...

Steven Furtick - The Pressure To Perform

Steven Furtick

Let this free you today: you don't have to post anything to prove who you are....

Steven Furtick - Pressure Points

Steven Furtick

Pressure has a way of getting to us — at work, at home, and everywhere in between. So what should you do when you feel like you’re being crushed? Asking God to relieve the pressure may not be the answer; instead, discover the power available even...