This Sunday, we were back in Revelation 15 + 16, as we unpacked the wrath of God, which is the holiness of God moving towards evil. In the end times, as God's wrath is fully poured out, people will still refuse to repent. Following Jesus is...
What’s required to get to heaven? You may have your thoughts or opinions, but the Bible gives God’s answer to the question. Join Pastor Jack Hibbs as he explains the necessity of belief, repentance, and the role of the Holy Spirit in our salvation....
Let’s look at Malachi, chapter three, to which many people refer when teaching on tithing. Tithing in this chapter is unique because it takes you both ways; it takes you back to the Old Testament, and also points you to the New Testament....
The grace of God is the goodness of God in all of its fullness - which demands that it be spent, given, bestowed, poured out upon another. God delights in giving and this “giving” of God is His “Grace or Gracing”....
The grace of God is the goodness of God in all of its fullness - which demands that it be spent, given, bestowed, poured out upon another. God delights in giving and this “giving” of God is His “Grace or Gracing”....
The grace of God is the goodness of God in all of its fullness - which demands that it be spent, given, bestowed, poured out upon another. God delights in giving and this “giving” of God is His “Grace or Gracing”....
The grace of God is the goodness of God in all of its fullness - which demands that it be spent, given, bestowed, poured out upon another. God delights in giving and this “giving” of God is His “Grace or Gracing”....
There's something about Jesus that, when you... it's not like the Jesus some people preach today. This Jesus drew the sinners to him, amen? Back then, they drew near to Jesus not to just admire his beauty... to hear him. We must get this....
Just because someone say, "Repent, repent, repent," doesn't mean, all right, they understand repentance. And at the end of the day, just because someone preach "Holy, holy, holy," doesn't mean they are holy. People...
You used to think that God is out to get you. Now you know God loves you in your lost, guilty condition. God loved his Son, and God gave up his Son for you and I. For what? To save all of us at a great cost, amen. Once and for all, God demonstrated...
Repentance is a concept that isn’t talked about enough in some churches today. Yet it was a key point in what Jesus preached and something He specifically instructed the church to proclaim everywhere (Matthew 4:17; Luke 24:47). Repentance is...